Girls Text Group

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So, everybody enjoyed the last Skript about the text group! So I have written two Skripts! One is showing what goes on in the 'Sisters' text group, and what goes on in the 'Bros' text group! They will be two seperate Skripts, and you will see the difference between the two genders! ^_^

Enjoy, and may I request LOTS OF COMMENTS PLEASE! I  wrote a SUPER LONG Skript for ya'll! This one is almost as long as an Unlocked Hearts chapter haha <3

Also, I am half asleep, but I really wanted to finish this and post it before bed so I could have a lot of comments to read in the morning, so there might be mistakes. Just warning you lol (But not apologizing haha)

Emma Yousef – Sulayman has created the group 'Sisters

Jenny has joined the group


Jenny: Haha salaam Emma! ^_^

Me: How are you feeling boo?

Jenny: Lol I am okay Alhamdulillah. Just tired.

Me: Aww poor baby sister!

Jenny: Hey! I'm not a baby!

Me: Well Maria isn't here! So I have to call you the babyy!

Maria has joined the group

Me: HAHA! Speak of the devil! Little sister!!

Maria: Woah what a welcome lol

Me: Maria! Oh my God! I didn't expect you to join! HOW DID YOU JOIN WHEN YOU ARE IN JORDAN?!

Maria: Lol we got international coverage.

Me: Oh.

Jenny: Maria dear what are you doing awake so late?

Maria: I've been throwing up for the past two hours :/ I get my morning sickness at night!

Jenny: Aw habibti! I do too!

Maria: Woah WHAT!? Morning sickness?! As in you are pregnant!? 

Me: UH OH!

Maria: Jenna, call me now please.

Me: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!

Jenny: Uuuuuuhhhhhhh can I call you tomorrow.

Maria: You will call me tomorrow, and you are also going to get on to gchat right no so I can yell at you.


Rana Sulayman Hyphen Abdul Hadi has joined the group


Rana Sulayman Hyphen Abdul Hadi: Emmaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Hahaha how are you dear?!

Me: I am awesome sauce! How are you!? HOW IS THE SQUISHY MARSHMALLOW!?

Rana Sulayman Hyphen Abdul Hadi: Dear God I hope you are talking about Yahya.

Me: LOL of course! Who else would I be talking about!?

Rana Sulayman Hyphen Abdul Hadi: I dunno, you could be calling Rami a marshmallow lol

Me: Hahahahaha yeah if he was a stale marshmallow maybe.

Skript! #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now