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Salaam everyone! I hope you enjoy this Skript, I've been working on it for awhile, and had a lot of fun with it :) It takes place before Captured Hearts!

Please vote and leave lots of comments <3

Dedicated to my dear friend saa_naleem! Make Du'aa that Allah swt makes everything easy on her <3 <3 <3


Yasmin: *calling from her and Adam's bedroom* Has anyone seen my silver bracelet? Jenna did you take it habibti?

Jenna: *calling from her room* No Mama! But has anyone seen my blue flowered dress? Maria, did you take it?

Maria: *calling from her room* No! But I can't find my black ballet slippers! Mama did you take them?

Yasmin: No habibti!

*The three of them convene in the hallway*

Jenna: I also just realized my black Coach purse is missing as well!

Maria: My favorite pink lip gloss is too!

Yasmin: So are my matching silver earrings.

Maria: Well this is annoying! Where's all of our stuff?

*The sound of the front door opening reaches them*

Emma: I'm home!

All of them in unison: Emma!

Emma: Salaam everyone!

Jenna: *appraising her sister in amusement* nice outfit Em.

Emma: *giving a twirl* Thanks!

*She's wearing Jenna's blue dress and holding her black bag. On her wrist is Yasmin's bracelet, and hanging from her ears are her matching earrings. On her feet are Maria's ballet slippers, and peeking out from the small pocket on her sweater is the pink lip gloss.*

Yasmin: Emma, did you ask anyone's permission before you took all of our stuff?

Emma: Uhhhh...

Yasmin: Emma! Aren't you getting a little too old for these kind of games?!

Emma: I didn't do anything!

Yasmin: *sighing* Just ask next time habibti okay?

Emma: Ookay!

Yasmin: *muttering to herself* Next time she pulls something like this, I might have to teach her a lesson she won't forget...


Yasmin: *Calling up the stairs* Emma! Come wash the dishes!

Emma: But Mama! It's Maria's turn!

Maria: *yelling from the family room* It is NOT!

Emma: It is SO! I did them last night!

Jenna: *yelling from her room* No! I did them last night!

Emma: Well I was supposed to do them last night!

Jenna: Exactly! You were supposed to but you asked me to do them because you said you were busy with laundry!

Muhsin: *calling from the living room* Hey! I did the laundry last night! She said she had to clean the bathrooms for Maria!

Maria: Hey! I did the bathrooms because Emma said she had to mop the kitchen floor!

Adam: I mopped the kitchen floor last night because Emma said she had to work on the garden for Mama!

Skript! #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now