'k A Я ɘ ɘ M o' the Little Star (FQ)

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striving_muslimah here you go! Kareemo's first attempt at daycare! ^_^

*Amir stands in the doorway of his son's bedroom, watching in amusement as Yusra fusses over Kareem.*

Amir: Love, he is going to be fine! Don't you think you are going a bit overboard?

Yusra: *pausing to glare up at her husband* You be quiet Amir! You are the one forcing me to throw my baby out into the cold hard world!

*Amir rolls his eyes, and crosses his arms over his chest*

Amir: I don't think the Santa Barbara Sunshine Daycare Palace counts as the cold hard world.

*Yusra ignores him and continues to button Kareemo's clothes, and fuss over his shoes and his hair, before she stands up, giving him a once over.*

Kareemo: *beaming* Does Kareemo look beautiful Baba?!

Amir: *laughing* Yes habibi! You look so handsome! Run along and go get your backpack from the living room!

*As Kareem runs happily out of the room, Yusra watches him go, biting her lip anxiously.*

Yusra: *shaking her head with tears in her eyes* He's not ready Amir. He's not ready to go to daycare and leave his Mama! Let him start next year!

Amir: *pulling her into his embrace* Habibti, he isn't starting kindergarten, and this isn't going to be fulltime! We already discussed this! It is just going to be twice a week so he can be with other kids his age!


*Amir laughs again, and starts to kiss her face*

Amir: My poor baby. It's going to be okay! He is so excited for this!

*Yusra sniffs, and wipes the tears away from her eyes*

Yusra: He has Hamoudi and Hawa and all of the other babies in the family! Why do we have to throw him out there!

Amir: Love, you are sounding very much like Ilham right now.

Yusra: I am proud to sound like her, because Ilham doesn't abandon her children! *she bursts into tears again, and Amir gives her a strange look, wondering where this uncharacteristic outburst of emotion is coming from. Nonetheless he grips her face in his hands, and forces her to look up at him.*

Amir: Love, honey, Yusra, baby, let's try it just for today. Let's see how it goes, and if there is even the smallest, slightest indication that he isn't ready, we will keep him home with you until next year. Okay? *he kisses her nose* Alright?

*Yusra nods, sniffling deeply*

Yusra: Okay. Thank you habibi.

*Amir smiles, and presses his lips against hers.*

Amir: Of course love. Is there anything that he needs to take with him?

Yusra: *dabbing at her eyes with her sleeve* well, he needs a snack and a lunch, and they said to let him bring a familiar toy with him to make him feel more comfortable.

Amir: Does he need anything for naptime?

Yusra: *shaking her head* no they provide everything.

Amir: Alright. *he pulls her closer* Everything is going to be okay habibti I promise.

Yusra: In Sha Allah.

*Just then Kareemo comes running in*

Kareemo: Mama! Is it time for school!?

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