All the Kisses For You! (UH)

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*Emma and Jafar are sitting on the black couch in their living room, all sunggled up together, watching That 70's Show.*

Emma: *rolling her eyes* I just don't understand how Kelso is so stupid! It's ridiculous!

Jafar: I would argue that he is just stupid for the plot of the show, but I know there really are people who are that stupid. I have seen it with my own eyes.

*Emma laughs, and stretches up to press a kiss to his cheek*

Emma: It's your birthday tomorrow!

Jafar: *running his figners through her hair* You know I don't celebrte my birthday habibti.

Emma: *giving a frown* you celebrated mine!

Jafar: No, you celebrated yours, you just dragged me along for the ride!

Emma: *giving a pout* hey!

Jafar: *kissing her forehead* I'm just kidding habibti. But really, please don't do anything.

*Emma doesn't say anything, but snuggles deeper into him, a sparkle in her eyes*


*Jafar is sound asleep, when suddenly something is plopped down on his stomach really hard.*

Jafar: *with a groan* stupid cat! *he opens his eyes, ready to shove Emma's monster kitten off of him, when he realizes that there is a giant breakfast tray on his stomach, and a beaming Emma standing above him*


Jafar: *pushing himself into a sitting position and trying not to drop the tray* good morning sweetheart. What's going on?

Emma: What do you think!? Now I'm not going to wish you a Happy Birthday, however...*she shifts the tray onto the bed, and jumps on top of him* YOU GET 27 KISSES!

Jafar: Oof! *he shifts slightly so her knee isn't in his ribcage* What?

Emma: ALL THE KISSES FOR YOU! *she starts to kiss him all over his face, counting as she goes, and when she gets to twenty seven, she gives him a big kiss on his lips* Mmmm yummy!

*Jafar laughs, and pushes a strand of her hair behind her ear*

Jafar: Thank you sweetheart, that was great.

Emma: *beaming* Yay! Now hurry up and eat!

*Jafar winces as he looks at the blackened toast, the rubbery eggs, and the mushy oatmeal.* Um, it looks great....

Emma: Yay times two! Hurry and eat, we have a long day ahead of us!

Jafar: *in alarm* What?! What do you mean!?

Emma: *in a singsong voice* I'm not tellingggggg!

Jafar: *with a sigh* Fine. *he pcks up hs coffee cup* Um, Em?

Emma: *twirling in a circle* Yup!?

Jafar: Why is my coffee green?

Emma: Because it's mint coffee! *she hurries out, and leaves a wide eyed Jafar with his plate of Emma 'food'.*



*Emma comes twirling into the house, followed by an extremely tired Jafar who is carrying about twelve shopping bags*

Emma: That was so much fun!

Jafar: I don't really think spending six hours at the mall is fun!

Emma: Hey! We watched Finding Dory! And I bought you three new shirts! And perfume!

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