It's A Mergency!

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Happy Birthday my dear Pt333333 

Here is your Skript, Baby Houssami learning about safety....and calling 911 ^_^ LOL

Love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3


*Baby Houssami and Yusra are sitting on the couch holding hands, and staring up at their older sister Khadija who has set up a mini classroom in the family room, and on the mini chalkboard she has written 'Emergency Prepardness'.*

Khadija: Okay you two! What do you do if someone you don't know comes to you and tells you that Mama and Baba want you to go with them? Yusra?

Yusra: Um, um, you say 'no!' Really loud, and you run away um, really fast and find someone good!

Khadija: Yes! Awesome Yusra! *she hands her sister a handful of jellybeans, and Yusra kicks her feet happily, popping the candy into her mouth*

Baby Houssami: *leaning in towards his sister* Yusra!

Yusa: What?

Baby Houssami: Gimme the candy!

Yusra: *giving a gasp* No! It's mine!

Baby Houssami: But I want it!

Yusra: *practically* But you didn't get the question right! I did, so I got the candy!

Baby Houssami: *frowning* You hafta share Yusra, or I'm gonna, I'm gonna tell Baba on you!

Khadija: Houssam!

Baby Houssami: *looking up guiltily* What?

Khadija: Stop bothering Yusra! If you answer this question you can get your own candy!

Baby Houssami: *his eyes lighting up* Ooh okay! What is the question Khadija?! Tell me it!

Khadija: I want you to answer the same question Yusra did! What do you do if a stranger comes to you and tells you that you have to go with them?

Baby Houssami: *who is staring at Yusra's candy* You scream in their face really loud like, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! And then you kickeded their legs! Like this! *he goes to kick the couch, and Khadija quickly catches him, sitting him back down in his seat.*

Khadija: *folding her arms over her chest* Houssam, you wouldn't kick them!

Baby Houssami: *stubbornly* Ya huh I would kickeded the bad guy so hard he would fall on the floor like this! *Houssam plops onto the floor and starts wiggling around in an exaggerated fashion, causing Yusra to giggle*

Khadija: No Houssam! Just like Yusra said, you would run away as fast as you can to get to someone you trust!

Baby Houssami: *folding his arms with a huff* Fine! *mumbling under his breath* I woulda kickeded him like a ninja...

*Khadija ignores her brother, and turns her attention back to the little board*

Khadija: Now! If you accidentally catch on fire, what are the three things you do!?

Baby Houssami: *waving his hand wildly in the air* Ooh! Pick me! I know! I KNOW!

Khadija: Okay Houssam! What do you do!?

Baby Houssam: *taking in a deep heaving breath* First, um, first you would stop! Really fast! *he puts his hands out as if he is coming to an abrupt halt*

Khadija: Excellent! What do you do next?!

Baby Houssami: And then, and then you would fall on the floor! Like um, like the bad guy when I kickeded him!

Skript! #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now