Chapter Six

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Ziva's POV

I opened my eyes to an empty hospital room.

Well, it appeared to be empty.

I saw Abby asleep on the couch and Zuri curled up in her arms.

Sure enough, Gibbs was standing in the doorway sipping coffee.

"You're awake," he said, walking over and sitting on the bed.

"Is Tony-"
"He was, when you started coughing they made him leave, he's really worried about you. He's at McGee's now."

I looked down and sighed, I knew as well as everyone else what he was doing at McGee's.

"He's going to get himself killed," I said honesty.
Gibbs shrugged, "he just wants to fix things."
"It's too late for that," I mumbled.

Gibbs nodded and said, "we'll get him."
I looked up into his big blue eyes and nodded.

I leaned up against him and he gave me a kiss on the forehead.
"I sure hope so..."

Tony's POV

"I can't find him in the database Tony," McGee said.
"Well... Check again," I replied, pacing through his apartment.

"He's not there Tony."
"Okay so how are we supposed to find him McGee?" I asked getting slightly irritated.

"We have to find another way, we don't have another option," he said.

I sighed and sat on his couch.

The sound of the phone ringing interrupted our silence.

"Hello?" I answered.
"I'm outside," a voice said.
The line disconnected and McGee looked at me in confusion.

"Who was that?" He asked me.
"Wrong number," I lied.

McGee didn't buy it, he just looked at me suspiciously.
"I'm going to go get some fresh air," I told him, heading out the door.

McGee didn't follow me, but I could feel his eyes burning through the back of my head.

I walked outside the building, gun ready, and looked around.

The two voices in my head went crazy.

Anthony DiNozzo, what the hell are you doing?
You do have a death wish!

If you die then his job is done, you're giving him what he wants.
What would happen to Ziva and Zuri, huh?

Then the other side fought back.

Go, kill him!
He accused you of killing Javy and he's out to murder you and take Zuri.

Look around, he's here somewhere.

For whatever reason, that revenge voice was the one urging me on.

I glanced around and out of no where heard shots being fired.
Everyone screamed and I ducked behind a car.

I looked around for him, but still no sign.

Just through the window of the car I saw someone standing on top of a taxi.

It was him.

I stood up and stormed straight for him, not caring whether I got hit by a car or shot by Santino.

I raised my gun just as he started firing.

A bullet hit me in the shoulder and another in the leg.

I shot, aiming for his head.

McGee's POV

I stared outside at the snow dusted street.

It was about 7:00 am, Christmas Eve.

I saw Tony standing outside the apartment and bit my lip nervously.

I have a bad feeling about this...

Just then I heard shots being fired.

I saw someone on top of a taxi... Santino.

"Damn it!" I cursed, racing out the door, loading my gun.

I ran down the stairs as I heard more shots being fired.

I burst out the apartment doors and ran into the street.

Tony stood on top of the taxi, holding his gun to the head of a bloody, but alive, Santino.

"DiNozzo," I said firmly. "Don't do it. We have him now, we bring him into NCIS and he'll go to jail for life."

"He doesn't deserve to live," he replied sourly.

Santino chuckled, coughing up blood in the process.

"Do it, just kill me," he said.

Tony looked at Santino, then me, his eyes full of angry tears.

"Tony, if you kill him now, you'll go to jail. What about Zuri and Ziva? They need you, they would fall apart without you," I pleaded.

"I-I can't..." He muttered.

"Tony this isn't right, you know it," I said.

He stared straight at Santino and bit his lip.

"Look at me," I said firmly.

He glanced over at me and I continued, "do this for Ziva and Zuri, don't throw your life away. You have a choice Tony, you can do the right thing."

He shook his head and stared at Santino, who grinned devilishly.

"You're better then this DiNozzo," I said desperately. "Tony, please, give me the gun."



Thankssss (:

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