Chapter 6

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I walked after Spencer into the brew, we walked to our usual spot where Emily and Hanna already took place. "You're baby bump is so cute" Emily said. "Cute but" I stroked my belly "it's hurting me more and more. I still wake up queasy all the time and soon it's going to start kicking... They say it's fun, having a baby." "You'll get through it" Spencer said tapping my back. "So, do you know the gender? I hope it's a girl so I can take her out shopping" Hanna said. "I'm 17 weeks pregnant, within 3 weeks I will know the gender and I'll make sure I'll tell you."

"So, did you all get any messages from this A.D. person because I did get some..." Spencer said. "Yeah, me too" Hanna and Emily said. "They're all about your baby Aria. Asking if I will plan an abortion appointment" Hanna added "like I didn't learn from my mistakes in the past." I saw her rolling her eyes. "Han, it's okay" I said. "Aren't you worried then" Emily asked. "Of course I am, but if I am going through this pregnancy worried all the time I won't even be able to look back at this. I want to remember my first time being pregnant, you know. Besides that, Ezra knows about it. We'll get through it together." "What about us" Spencer said joking. "I said together" I smiled "Em, did you hear anything about Ali?" "Yes, she is released today. I'll pick her up and let her stay at my place. She shouldn't be alone right now and I have no idea where Elliot is." "I've never really trusted that man, he is no good for Ali. When is she going to realize that she is in love with you" Hanna said. Emily started blushing, she told us she still liked her but she was fine with her being with Elliot. Even though it was obvious she was lying about that. "Do you want u to come with you" Spencer asked "it's okay if you want to go on your own. We'll understand"she added. "I'd rather go on my own, but thanks."

"Aria, you're phone is ringing. Should I pick up" Ezra asked. "Who is it?" "An unknown number.""Oh, I'm on my way." I quickly took my sweatpants and put it on, walked to the livingroom and picked up my phone.

"Hello is this Aria Montgomery?" "Yes, that's me why?" "Should we reschedule your appointment?" "My appointment? Who is this?" "Honey, I'm Anna Morris. I work here at the abortion center. You scheduled an appointment this morning" the women said. "I didn't, it must have been a mistake." My face had probably turned pale because Ezra was asking me if I was okay. When she was done I quickly hang up and Spencer stormed into our little apartment. "I got your keys but I needed to come here. A.D. made an appointment for you and you need to cancel it" she said breathless. "I think I just did." "Good, I got this message this morning." "What's going on" Ezra asked he looked over our shoulders reading the message:

If you don't do it, I will.

Aria has an appointment at 14.30 today, hope she'll enjoy it – A.D.

"I'm calling the police" Ezra said taking his phone out of his pocket. "Don't, they can't do anything. We'll only end up looking guilty for something we don't even know about" Spencer said. "This person is messing with my girlfriend and unborn baby." "Ezra, calm yourself down, the appointment is canceled. Aria is still here and so is her baby." "You're right Spencer. I shouldn't have burst out on you like that. The police can't do anything, we'll do it ourselves. I'm sorry" Ezra said when he was calm again. "It's okay, I know how hard it is to see your loved ones getting hurt." "It's kicking! I can feel it." Ezra and Spencer turned their heads towards me. "The baby" I said laughing at their confused faces. Spencer walked to me. "Give me your hand" she gave me her hand and I placed it on my belly "felt that?" She nodded. "Ezra, you need to feel it" Spencer said. He just stood there watching us. "I don't think I..." "Oh c'mon it's your child." He slowly walked towards us and places his hand on my belly. "You're shaking" I said. "I'm nervous" Ezra admitted. Spencer laughed and then I started laughing too. "Whats so funny" Ezra said still holding my belly. "You" we both said at the same time. "I felt it" he suddenly said "I felt the baby, I felt our baby Aria!" He looked like a 5 year old getting a lollypop. We laughed again, Ezra is so cute when he is excited. "I'm going home, I'll call Em, so we know how Alison is doing and I'll let you know." She hugged me goodbye and I let her out. "Bye Spence."

Before I knew it three weeks went by. Today was the gender appointment, I was 20 weeks pregnant which meant I was half way through my pregnancy. Ezra and I were going together again.

"So, do you want to know the gender" doctor Green said. I looked at Ezra "yes" he said. "Okay, well you can get the pink. You will have a daughter." "Thank you so much" Ezra said. He was holding his excitement in until we got out of the hospital. He lifted me up in the air. "We're having a baby girl!" I laughed "you can put  me down, you know?" "No I like holding my girls. I need to learn how to braid." "Oh. You're for sure not going to touch her hair, we'll leave that for the girls. Can I ask them over for dinner?" "Sure" he said putting me down. I typed a text and sent it to the girls.

Dinner at my place tonight! Gender reveal J . Boyfriends and girlfriends are allowed to come too. See you all tonight around 7  xo Aria (and Ezra)

We all sat down at our table. Spencer, Toby, Hanna, Caleb, Emily, Alison, Ezra and I. Somehow they all looked at Ezra giving him weird faces. "I'll go get the cake" I said. After we found out that we were having a little girl we went to buy a cake filled with pink stuff. While I was getting the cake I heard them whisper some things, I wasn't close enough to hear what they were saying but it was for sure something I wasn't allowed to know. I put the cake down on the table and gave the knife to Hanna. "You can do it." A big smile appeared on her face "I'm honored" she said.

Hanna cut the cake open while Ezra was filming the whole thing in a facetime for my parents. "PINK" she yelled "IT'S A GIRL."  She faced the camera "well. Grandma and grandpa Montgomery, your baby girl will have a cute little baby girl." Then Ezra gave the camera to Hanna and got something out of his pocket.

"Aria. Back then when I met you, you were just a little cute baby. I swear if I had known you'd be my student I would have never hit on you like that. Playing B-26, going after you in the bathroom... You're the most beautiful amazing women I know and I'm glad I was able to see you grow into that. I'm sorry we had to keep our relationship a secret that long, but I'm so glad we did because look at us now. All grown up, starting our family. And that's why I'm asking you this today." I sighed with tears in my eyes. He went down on one knee. "Aria Marie Montgomery, would you do me the honer to make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" I didn't hesitate for a moment "yes, yes I would." He took my finger and slipped the engagement ring on it after that he placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me. Everyone was clapping for us. "I love you" I said. "You finally did it Ezra" my dad said in the facetime call "congratulations man!"

{So a lot happened in this chapter, I hope you like it! x Maddie}

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