>>>Chap.11:An Old Friend Comes

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NOTE:I dedicated this to WhenZombieAttack because she is awesome and I don't regret becoming her fan! :P  And I re-uploaded a couple parts because I his name from Sam to Samren okay?  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

                                                                    ~ An Old Friend Comes ~

I stand up but before I can go anywhere, there is this man that looks familiar standing in front of me now. I take a couple steps back and say, ‘’who are you?’’ He smirked and said, ‘’Max, that’s not the right way to greet your old friend Samren.’’ Shock spread across my face. He laughed and said, ‘’I guess you remember me now.’’ My fists and jaw clenched. ‘’Why are you here?’’ He smirked and said, ‘’I was told to distract you in case Toby needs to fight against the Hakichu. Although, Toby is weak right now so, it’s a fair match.’’  ‘’Toby, is always weak.’’ He looked surprised but then smiled and said, ‘’so you know of him now?’’ I made a tsk sound with my mouth and said coldly, ‘’I hate him.’’ It started pouring down rain. He smiled and said, ‘’you know Max, coming back here is sure nauseating, the only good thing about it, is seeing you again.’’ ‘’Like, I would believe, something like that.’’ He frowned and said, ‘’oh, but it’s true.’’ I looked at him with pain, anger, and sadness in my eyes. ‘’You never paid any attention to me so, why now?’’ He did a short laugh and said, ‘’I did pay attention to you, no, rather I always admired you.’’ I was surprised. ‘’Stop lying, I don’t believe-‘’ ‘’So Max, who’s that new guy you’ve been hanging out with all the time?’’ ‘’Who are you talking about?’’ ‘’Well, it doesn’t matter, since my friend Akemi will kill him anyway.’’ ‘’No! Don’t hurt Lucas!’’ ‘’So Lucas is his name? Well, hopefully you were nice to him the last time you saw him.’’ Shut it! He’s stronger than you think! So, stop underestimating him!’’ ‘’Do you have special feelings for him Max?’’ It got quiet. ‘’No, he’s just my friend and, he understands how I’ve felt throughout my life.’’  ‘’That’s nonsense Max!’’ I made a tsk sound with my mouth and said, ‘’Oh really, and why is it nonsense?’’ ‘’I, I have a tailed beast in me too Max! I always admired you because; I thought you were truly amazing. And when I found out you have a tailed beast in you too and people treated you terribly, I admired you even more because, of the way you stood up to them and told them that they were wrong. I thought you were too great of a person to be around because, I thought you would be annoyed by me, Max.’’ I had shock written all over my face by now. ‘’Then, when Toby told me about you not knowing about yours being inside you, I thought you would change your personality once you did know but, it seems that even though you do know, you still act the same.’’ There was a long pause before I said, ‘’how many tails does yours have?’’ ‘’I have the seven tailed hyena inside of me Max.’’ Without me telling it to, my body ran up and hugged him on its own. It kept hugging him tighter and tighter, he hugged back too. ‘’I love you Max.’’  He hugged me so tight, I thought I was gonna die. Then, he let me go and kissed me. Some unknown feeling washed over me, and I kissed him back. Plus, I didn’t want it to stop. He pulled away and asked, ‘’do you love me back Max?’’ ‘’I d-‘’ before I could finish, something came and pushed him away from me. ‘’No! Don’t!’’ I saw someone I recognized, it was, the Hakichu but, he was wearing that Toby guys clothes. So, you lied to all of us Hakichu. ‘’I told you to keep being mean to her, no matter how much it hurt, or else she would find out I killed her parents.’’ ‘’I’m sorry, I just couldn’t bare the pain of hurting her, emotionally or physically.’’ The Hakichu kept yelling at him until I said, ‘’you killed my father to become our Hakichu didn’t you and so you could have my mother’s power without any interruptions. Didn’t you!?!’’ ‘’Wow, it seems that this child is smarter than I thought.’’ I smirked and said, ‘’Toby being you was obvious.’’ He looked surprised but said, ‘’how was it obvious?’’ ‘’Well, at first I didn’t think it was you but, when you spoke of Toby easily even though it was supposed to be kept secret, when you didn’t look surprised or the least bit concerned when I told you that I had seen ‘’Toby’’ here, and when you said that he was your student when, there really was never a ‘’Toby’’ heard of or seen, ever.’’ ‘’Then, why did I let you go off and train?’’ ‘’Heh, that’s easy, you let me go off and train because Sensei asked you if he could and you wanted to say no but, you realized that it would be suspicious if you said no, and you underestimated me by thinking I wouldn’t grow stronger.’’ ‘’So, you are as smart as your parents thought you would be.’’  I made a tsk sound. ‘’How dare you talk about my parents! You’re the one that killed them!’’ ‘’Yes, I did kill them but, before I got the chance to, they created a worthless child like you.’’ ‘’Baka! I’m not the worthless one! You are! All because of your selfishness, I had to live with unbearable pain throughout my life, which still continues up to this day. You killed my parents, the Hakichu, and other strong Sayako, that fought for this village knowing, that they would soon die. You even killed innocent men, women, children, elders, mothers, fathers, and ones that were waiting in their mothers’ stomach to be born.’’ ‘’What do you care!?! It’s your fault they died! If you wouldn’t have been created, all of those people including your parents wouldn’t have had to die!’’ I felt blood starting to drip down my hands, from my nails digging so deep into my skin, while I was clenching my fists. ‘’We could have all lived happily and not have had to go through that! But, because you wanted so much power, all of those people died and got hurt either physically or emotionally, you stupid Hakichu!’’ I ran up and punched him in the face, so hard; I even heard a crack sound come from his jaw. I just stood there, with blood all over my hands, rain pouring down, looking down at the ground, with hatred boiling inside. “I promised my mom I wouldn’t become an avenger, but you’re making it really hard for me not to, right now.’’ Samren spoke up and said, ‘’that doesn’t mean I can’t kill him.’’ I looked up at him, and noticed the anger and pain showing in his eyes. ‘’You won’t be able to Sam, after all, I am the one that took you in.’’ ‘’Nobody would’ve had to take me in, if you wouldn’t have killed my parents!’’ ‘’Where are the others, Hakichu?’’ He laughed and said, ‘’ your Sensei and Kamikaze are searching for ‘’Toby’’ and your little fighting partner is busy fighting Akemi.’’ Oh no, Lucas could get hurt, wait, I shouldn’t be worrying about it, he’s stronger than people think. Samren came up to me, and kissed me lightly, then whispered, ‘’go and help Lucas, I’ll deal with him.’’ I looked at him surprised and whispered, ‘’it’s okay, he’ll be fine.’’ He gave me a look as if saying ‘go before I get too jealous and change my mind.’ I nodded okay, and ran to go help Lucas. When I got there, I noticed he was just barely standing. ‘’Lucas!’’ He looked up at me, but only pure anger was spread across his face, nothing more. I stood there wanting to punch him in the stomach for looking at me like that, and yell at him. But, I decided now wasn’t the right time for that, and didn’t go up to him and do that.


NOTE:Please comment and give me some ideas for my next part of this story please. I'm kind of stuck if you know what I mean.

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