>>>Chap.3 The Ceremony

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~ The Day of the Ceremony ~

I wake up to the fresh smell of bacon, my second favorite. I get up and throw a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers on. Then, head to the kitchen. ''If you're not my dad then, what do I call you?'' ''Just call me by my first name.'' ''And that is?'' ''It's Jack.'' I nod my head okay in response, and grab a plate topped with fifteen pieces of bacon and sit down. ''Where's that journal Jack?'' He looked surprised that I said that so easily and suddenly, ''I have it.'' ''Okay, then give it to me.'' ''No.'' I was taken aback. I didn't know how to respond. He looked away from his morning paper and at me before saying, ''because we have to attend your ceremony soon first.'' I sighed loudly. {10 minutes later} We're now driving to the academy for their ceremony, not mine. Eventually, we got to the academy for the ceremony. We drove up and got out of Jack's 2009 black mustang convertible. {Inside of the academy and going to the gym for ceremony} As we were walking, people kept saying things like, 'Hey there's that monster' or 'Honey don't go near that girl, she's terrible' and even, 'Why is she here, I mean does she just enjoy causing us pain and polluting our town with disgustingness?' Then, this fourteen year old brother of another kid who happens to be 5'5 as well said, ''Ha! There's that disgusting germy beast! She doesn't deserve to be here. Somebody needs to take her out of here.'' I lost it then, I went up to him and grabbed him by his shirt collar. ''Keep your thoughts about me to yourself! You don't know anything about me!'' Then, we walked away. He looked at me scared when I said it to him, and now everyone has either a scared, angry, or disgusted look on their face because of me. Except the kids since they don't fully understand what's going on. This day ought to be fun.

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