>>>Chap.12:Fighting Akemi

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This is dedicated to Love2Write84 because she helped me come up with some of these ideas and she's also my writing partner so to speak :P


Instead, I ran down there using extra chakra at my feet to go faster so I could help Lucas. When I got there, he looked surprised but soon got a calm look on his face.  ‘’What are her main techniques Lucas?’’ He thought for a moment but said, ‘’she likes to use her chakra to control some weather and things around her by just looking at it for a moment.’’ Hm, doesn’t she sound a bit familiar? No, maybe I don’t know her after all. ‘’All right, I’ll take her on for a bit. You can r-‘’ ‘’No, I’m staying and fighting whether you’re with me or not.’’ I smirked and said, ‘’all right, then can you make some shadow clones?’’ He gave me look and I just sighed and said, ‘’just do it, I’ll explain why later.’’ He nodded, put his fingers together the same way they do in Naruto, and shouted, ‘’multi shadow clone no jutsu!’’ Twelve clones appeared and I whispered to him what to do with them. He nodded and did as I said. We basically used his shadow clones to distract her and test out her skills. Then, I nodded towards Lucas telling him that when the last clone was gone, we would start to fight.  Not too soon after, the clone poofed and disappeared. Now it’s time to show off our skills. Lucas runs up with some more clones along with him, and starts to fight a close combat fight. Meanwhile, I make a clone so I can use the same technique as Naruto, the Rasengan. Then my clone disappears and I run at this Akemi chick with the intent to kill. Then while using the intent to kill, my adrenaline starts to really kick in. I feel a whole bunch of new energy and start to go faster.  I use this technique that is apparently called speed light step, which makes me disappear in one place but then reappear in another that is closer to the enemy. I use that technique until I have hidden my presence enough that I’m right behind her with Rasengan in hand. It would have been harder if Lucas wasn’t there to distract her. I took my Rasengan and hit her in the weak spot in her back. She felt it and wound up flying into tree but, just went through it up until she hit a big boulder and fell to the ground coughing up blood. I start breathing hard since it used a lot of chakra. She started trying to walk over to us but, then failed by falling and slowly her breaths started slowing.

A Girl With A Secret Even She Doesn't Know.....Yet (WILL NOT BE CONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now