>>>Chap.6:The Next Morning

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                                                                 ~ The Next Morning ~

I honestly don’t want to wake up but, I smell fresh bacon. Yum! I got up, and practically ran for the bacon. Then, I noticed that Jack has someone over, four people actually. It’s the Hakichu, a weird looking guy, some guy that looks bored, and a boy my height that looks about my age. Luckily, I fell asleep in a t-shirt and jeans last night, instead of something embarrassing. Oh, and I have my sleep cap thing on too. It was apparently a gift from my parents. So, it’s very special to me. I just stood there eating bacon and said, ‘’ Why are these people here Jack?’’ The four of the visitors looked surprised that I know he isn’t my real dad.  Then, the Hakichu spoke up and said, ‘’how long has she known Jack?’’ ‘’Since yesterday,’’ I replied. The Hakichu looked at me and the weird looking guy smiled. I guess he likes my attitude? I shrugged and continued to eat my bacon. The weird looking one reminds me of Jiraiya from Naruto. Ha-ha funny! ‘’Who are you three? And what do you four want?’’ The Hakichu spoke again, ‘’ It’s about training you… to kill someone even as powerful as Toby.’’ I was so shocked to hear that name that I dropped my empty plate on the floor. Luckily, it didn’t break. I picked it up and said, ‘’Why do you speak of him so easily?’’ It got quiet. ‘’Answer. My. Question. Hakichu.’’ He looked shocked but finally said, ‘’you hate him don’t you?’’ My anger rose and I accidentally broke the plate in half. The Jiraiya looking guy smiled at my strength. ‘’Of course I do.’’ The Hakichu spoke up again, ‘’well if you do this training, you can fight him and leave him alive living in fear-‘’ I gave a slightly short laugh before saying, ‘’I’ll train but, I won’t let him live. I’ll make sure to kill him. No matter the pain.’’ Jack spoke then, ‘’max your mom and dad wouldn’t want you to become an avenger-‘’ ‘’Avenger, I know. I’m not doing it for them. I already promised mom I wouldn’t do something like that.’’ They all looked surprised. ‘’When do we start?’’ I smirked when I said that.

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