>>>Chap.13:A Fight with 'Toby' And A Talk w/the Ten Tail

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Lucas picked her up and he carried her as we ran back towards Sam. Jeez, I hope Sam is okay. When we get there, Lucas hides Akemi’s body without it being noticeable and then I appear at Samren’s side. He smiles but then his face quickly goes back to being serious. The Hakichu looks pretty beaten up if I do say so myself, heh, serves him right. Sensei and Kamikaze soon appear behind me, Lucas, and Samren. Then Sensei says, ‘’jeez, I should’ve listened to Max when she told me her suspicions about you Hakichu. Man, I really didn’t want to have to fight you.’’ ‘’Heh, fight me? You should know most of all Kachikana-san that I am stronger than all of you combined.’’ Sensei didn’t say anything but, that didn’t mean that Chio wasn’t aching to take control of me and kill him since he’s tired of everyone insulting us. And I know what the ten tails name is since my mom’s journal told me by the way.

‘No Chio, just calm down, I’ll make sure he’s dead by my own hands, so don’t worry okay’

‘Fine Max, jeez look at someone as powerful as me doing what someone as weak as you says’

‘I’m not trying to offend you Chio; it’s just that I know that if I let you kill him it’ll be a quick death. I want him to die slowly and feel pain like he’s caused you and me’

‘Now that sounds more like you Max, where has your evil side been for so long? I missed your evilness and your craving for the spill of blood *laughs evilly*’

‘Well the evil me is back Chio, and angrier than ever *smirks*’

‘Very well then, I’ll leave his death to you’ and with that he disappeared for now.

Turns out, while talking to Chio I had accidentally smirked on the outside and not just mentally so, they were all looking at me weird. I smiled sort of evilly and said, ‘’let’s get his blood spilt already guys, me and my….’friend’ are eager for it.’’

So your evil side really is back Max, I like it. I want to taste the blood. Do you mind if I do?’

‘Heh, of course not Chio. In fact, I think I might just use a little bit of your power. That okay with you Chio?’

‘Of course Max, you are my favorite, violent, blood spilling host after all.’

‘Oh really, and when did this happen?’

He growls and says, ‘just hurry and use some of my power to kill this guy already.’

‘Fine, fine,’ and with that said, I took some of his power but, his power was full of more hate than ever before for some reason. Though, I took it anyway. After I took the power, I could feel my teeth becoming razor like, my eyes start to change, my nails getting sharper, chakra spilling out and surrounding me like a cloak, and then the ears made of chakra began to form, and then the most important part. The tail began to form, it being made of chakra like the rest, and soon after another tail formed swishing back and forth back and forth. Kamikaze and Sensei looked at me shocked, and then Lucas and Samren started to back away so I wouldn’t mistake them for an enemy, but the best part was, I could literally smell the fear coming in waves from the Hakichu. I laughed a maniacal laugh, my new sharp teeth adding to the scare affect, and the Hakichu’s fear level began to increase. I could feel my eyes being different and more animal like. The thought of me being stronger than the Hakichu processed in my mind and I liked it, no I actually kind of loved it, my blood thirst level began to rise, slowly but it still rose.  I licked my teeth and showed them off to the Hakichu, still evilly smiling. He tried to recover as best as he could and sent a giant ball of fire aimed towards me. Lucas started to come and help but Sam stopped him nodding his head disapprovingly. Lucas understood and stepped back. Anyway, back the giant ball of fire. I took some of Chio’s power and burst the fireball in half causing it to disperse. Then, Chio said something I never thought I would hear.

Fifth Hakichu! What are you doing in here!?! Get out of her mind before she notices you’re here!’

‘Father!?! Father! Is that really you!?!’

Then my father spoke, ‘It is me Max, just ignore this thing, he doesn’t know what he’s saying.’

‘I’m shutting you out from this Max, I’m sorry; I just don’t want you, my loved host, to be emotionally unstable. Talk to you later.’’ After Chio said that, he cut me off from our mind link until the conversation was done.

I focused back on the Hakichu even angrier before. Little did I know, I had grown up to my fifth tail already, and the Hakichu was near death. Heck, with one more swing he would be dead. I copied his fireball and threw it back at him leaving him breathing his last breaths. With my enhanced speed I went up to him and kept punching him in the face until I had calmed down. And it took a whole lot of my enhanced punches just to calm down. He died by my third punch, leaving my knuckles bloody and my energy lessened. Chio’s chakra started to seal back up. I smiled a fake small smile and was then hugged by Lucas and kissed on the cheek by Samren. They sat next to me looking at the man that has ruined everyone’s lives. With the rain starting to pour down even heavier covering up the tear streaming down anyone’s face.

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