fionna and marshell~pt3 she's not dead

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He quickly rlew out of his house he then saw cake
running with fionna in her arms and cake was crying and yelling help! Marshell then quickly flew over there and said oh m-my glob what happened?!! He screamed *sounding like he was about to cry*
Cake:I don't know *crying*
They ran into the candy hospital and they rushed fionna into the room they started puting tubes in her face marshall didn't understand what was happing he then saw them starting to stop the blood one of the pepperment nurses told him to go sit down now with the others he saw cake, pb,and A LOT of fi's other friends there was at least 20 people
They waited and for about 45 minutes untill one of the pepperment nurses came out with a sad exspression marshall quickley ran up to her and asked her what happened
Pepperment nurse:s-she lost to much blood we couldn't save her*starts to tear up*
Marshall:n-no! Your joking no! No! NO!
Pb:is she ok?
everyone starts crying
Fionnas p.o.v
The last thing I saw was a light amd then it went dark I was in a dark room a very dark room untill I saw someone she kinda looked like me she started walking towards me and said oh fionna I won't let you die I quickly asked I'm dieing?! She said, yes you are but I'm not letting you by the time you wake up you'll be healed I love you my sweet angle someone loves you and they dont want you to die they love you so much fionna i love you fionna*she kissed me on the foorhead*and then the next thing I new my eyes flung open and I took in a big gasp of air I was on a table the nurses were gone I woke up and then I got up and took the tubes out they hurt I got up still blodd every where I looked at my cut and it was completely healed I heard someone yelling I knew exsactly who it was.....marshell....I walked out there slowly and I said very loudley marshall?
Everyone looked at me and gasped
Fionna:what is it the blood ...ill clean it off layer*giggles*
Pepperment nurse:oh my glob...fionna...w-what but you died right there on the table
Fionna:yeah I-I did but then there was this light and then it went dark and then this lady walked towards me she looked a lot like me and she cupped my cheek and told me I couldn't die yet she knew a serten person loved me a lot and they didn't get to tell me in time amd then the next thing I knew I was on that table
Pepperment nurse:well what about your cut you need to-
Fionna:nope ....look *she showed them were she was stabbed nothing .....just her tan skin
Pepperment nurse:what oh my glob * passes out*
Marshall:f-f-fionna *starys walking toward her*
Fionna:* runs toward him*I promis nothing is going on between me and fp he stabbed me because I wouldn't marry him please marshall forgive me*hugs him so tight*
Marshell:fionna...I understand I should have never left you alone your my best friend I love you so much!
Fionna:*blushes* *hugs him even tigter*
Fionna:gumball *smiles*
Gumball:I'm so glad your not dead I love you fionna
Fionna:aww you.....
Everyone is glad she is not dead they all wipped there tears away and gave her a hug the last one was cake
They hug each other crying
Fionna:I love you cake so much I love you
Cake:aww baby cakes I've missed you even of you were dead to 5 minutes *laughs*
Cake:hey I'm going to be gone for a week
Fionna:what?! Why?!
Cake:family drama
Fionna:I'm not going after what happend last time
Cake:ok what ever baby cakes ill be going don't getbstabbed again*says jokingly*
Fionna:bye cake *turns back to marshall*
Marshall:you can come to my house if you want
Fionna:I'd love to
It was still poring out side they had to wash fionnas cloths they were covered in blood it was hard not for marshall to suck the blood out of them but they were near fionnas..... (you know)
They finally got to his house soaking wet and covered in blood
Hear ill go wash your cloths marshall says
Fionna:ok *starts taking off her shirt good thing she had a tank top on but,......was also covered in blood
Marshall:erggg *blushes*
Fionna:*she stops takingnher tank top off and looks at him* w-what *blushing*
Fionna:ohhh sorry ill go to your room insteed then*giggles*
Marshall:oh fionna*grins*
Fionna gose up stairs and starts changeing and then throws her skirt and her long socks at him
Marshall thinking:fionna is half naked in my room and I'm just floating here erggg
Fionnas p.o.v
I found some tight shorts why would marshall have these *giggles* haha I laugh out loud I think marshall herd me I then put the shorts on and a big grey t-shirt and went down stairs and saw him staring at me as I walked in and sat on the couch
Marshall p.o.v
holy glob she looked so hot I wanted to go over there and kiss her but I'm just gonna have to wait*smirks* or mabey try something dofferent
His smirk grows bigger
Fionnas p.o.v
I saw marshall looking at me out of the corner of my eye I then said what you wanna watch
He then said I don't know and I then staryed going through his movies and saw twilight *giggles*
He then saud what? And staryed floating towards me
Fionna:what's this*lol*
Marshall:h-hey I like that movie its a good movie I watch it when I'm sad but I'm not sad so....
Fionna:oh then how about we.....hmmm......idk......*looks at marshall*
Marshall:how about we....ohh....wait have you ever read fanfictions, no, no
Marshall:come on fi mabey someone created a ship about us *winks* pleasssee
Fionna:ergggrrr ill go get the book
They both sit on the couch and have the book in there hands this book coukd do anything if you wanted to know something the book would answer it marshall grabed the book and asked how many people like me and fionna together
He opend the book and said , whoa

Fionna:*looks at the book*I don't even know what number that is
Marshall: neither do I *blushes*
Fionna:lets search something eles *grans the book*
Fionna asks, fionna and marshall fan fictions she opened the book and pages full of lemons fanfictons love storys about her and marshall only her faced turned bright red marshall then grabbed the book and blushed birght red to and asked wanna read one?
Fionna:marshall!......ok pick one
Marshall picks the lemon one knowing its going to be dirty full of stuff that's going to be hot he tells her to read it and all the way through she has her mouth open and blushing bright red at this point she let out a whmper and said I can't do this anymore and started to blush so hard she couldn't controll it anymore
Marshall then started reading aloud
Marshall reads:he slowly gets on top of fi sucking on her neck and squeezing her waist againts his she moans and moans marshall was getting really turned on and slowly staryed to take her skirt off--
Fionna:MARSHALL! STOP X( *she was blushing to hard at this point and she closed the book and put it back
Marshall:fionna it was getting good*blushing*
Fionna:probably for you! *sees him blushing*
Marshall:hey I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable I'm really sorry ididnt mean to
Fionna:its ok......*they stared at each other for a long time
Fionna:maeshall your doing it again *looks away from his black souless eyes blushing*
Marshall:*smirks* your really pretty fi I could stare at you all day *scoots closer to her* fionna I wanna tell you something really important
fionna:y-yes *blushes*
Marshall:fionna you make me so happy *moves her bags out of the way*
Fionna:*looks back at him he's only a couple of inches away from her face* m-marshall *groans*
Marshall:fionna I love you......*he softley puts his lipsmon hers as they started moving in motion together
Fionnas p.o.v
Why did I love this so much he was kissing me first he started out gentale and now I can tell he's using force now......I liked it for some reason......the feeling of being backed up against a couch by MARSHALL LEE......., I can tell by his movemnts he then dose something that made me let out a loud sexual moan..............

To be countiued..........

(Not Completed But I Made New One)🐰Fionna And Marshell🦇 // Mature Content 15+Where stories live. Discover now