fionna and marshall part8.....

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that night when they all went to sleep fionna was a little upset she wanted to just be with marshall but noooooo! They have to come back
Fionnas p.o.v
I woke up from sweating to death I then started panting really heavily and I threw the covers off of me I was drenched in sweat and so were marshall, fp, and gumball

Marshall:*yawns*ergg....why is it so hot
Fp:what's going on.....
Fionna:are you not hot?!
Fp:I'm always hot
Fionna:oh yeah....
Gumball:guys we have a problem.....I'm stuck I-ill help heheh

Fionna gets on top of gumball and starts pulling on his shoulders....marshall kinda got mad he then relized that gumball was likeing it but then she switched and got behind him and puched on his shoulders and then out of no where he got un stuck and fionna flopped overnhim landing infront of him knocking the tv over

Fionna:hahah...that was fun! Haha *she gets up and puts the tv back in place*
Marshall:goodness fi how much can you destroy in one day haha
Fionna:who knows hahah......well I'm going to go take a shower.....anyone wanna join *says jokingly*
All the boys start blushing including marshall
Fionna:I'm kidding.....well see you guys in about.......30min
Fp:it takes that long to get ready
Fionna:yeah it dose*steps up the ladder and closes the bathroom door*
Marshall:I wish I could take a shower with her
Fp:me to but she wouldn't let me and even if she did....I couldn't I'm made out of fire it will hurt me gumball:I wanna take a shower with her and squeeze those nice buns*smirks*
Marshall:is that all I think about?!
About 10 minutes later the hear the shower turn off
Fionnas p.ov
Inwas listing to music while I was getting dressed and drying my hair and I didn't relize how loud I was singing untill the song started buffering but then I was so embarrassed but then the song "cake by the ocean" came on I just couldn't resist! but then the song ended and I then took my head phones out and then the song just cept replaying over and over and over and over again I then started singing aloud again and it....actually souned pretty good ......while I was getting dressed I found my blue skirt and my shirt and my bunny hat but I wasn't going to put any of my socks, shoes or hat untill we go out so I jist let my tan legs be free and my gold locks flow and then I was like no this out fit is to......normal for me.....I then went through my closet I found a cute pair of shorts and a tank top that has cake and me and marshall, fp, and gumball, so i put it on and then I herd arguing.....*sigh*just what I want to hear!

Marshall:no she's not doing that!
Fp:what's the worst that could happen marshall now give me the ring back
Marshall:no! Your not taking her for you self how do you even know if she likes you--
Fionna:guys what's going on?
Fp: ohhh!! Uhh? We were just arguing on what game we could play
Fionna:ok.....better not be arguing!
Fp:actually fo can I talk to you for a moment
Fionna:errrgg.....fine no stabbing!
Fp:oh I won't hhahahah
They go out side and then this happens
Fp:hey fi I'm really sorry about what happened a couple years back
Fionna:you sorry??!!! You killed me!!
Fp:no I didn't!
Fionna:you would've if that angle person wouldn't have saved me!
Fp:all I'm trying to say is*grabs her cheek*--
Fionna:ahhhh*throws his hand off*
Fp:fionna! I'm so sorry I didn't--
Fionna:fp!....camt you see this isn't going to work if we try to date! everytime you touch me you burn me everytime you get to near my I almost burn everytime you do anything to me you hurt me!
Fp:fionna...I'm sorry...I-I just really like you....I love you
Fionna:NO! Fp stop messing with me I don't like you like that....I-I only like you as a friend and your going to have to learn to accept that! I'm sorry.....
Fp:I am to....
Fionna:for what--
Fp:*slaps her right on the cheek*
Fionna:ahhh.....oww....fp your so errgggg...
Fp:fionna....all I want is,.....YOUR going to have to learn to accept that*grabs her chin*
Fionna:let go of me!!
Fp:make me
Fionna:owwww!! Your hurting me stop please fp!!
Fp:oh fionna--!
Fp:what are you going to do about it
Marshall:fp!! Your sick you need rest!!
Fp:no I don't now leave us fionnz loves me!
Marshall:no she dosnt she....dosnt even know who she loves yet
Fp:*looks back at fionna**blinks 4 times really fast*f-fionna I-I'm so sorry!! What am I doning!*lets go of her*
Fionna:*little sobs*you need rest
Fp:fionna will you ever forgive me?
Fionna:I knowing that you cant controll what your doing goodbye fp....go sleep...
Fp:good bye fionna I'm so sorry forgive me always
Fionna:good bye.....*starts little sobs*
marshall:y-yeah it me*smirks*
Fionna:*hugs him*and crys in his arms*
marshall:heheh fionna your the best did you know that?
Marshall:hey fionna...
Fionna:yeah Marshall?
Marshall:wanna go play?
Fionna:play what?
Marshall:what,......did you have something eles in mind?........
Fionna:*blushes*n-no I didn't hehe lets just go play video games
They go back to the tree house and gjmball is all dressed and ready like he's going somewhere
Fionna:where are you going gumball
Gb:I'm going to the candy kingdom for the rest of the day.....I trust marshall enogh hopeing that he won't do anything......werid.....
Fionna:hehehe....oh he won't.....
Marshall:*scraches the back of his head blushing*
Gb:well ill see you guys later I have business to continue at the candy kingdom
Fionna:bye gumball
Gumball:bye fi *winks*
Gumball leaves and things get alittle.....crazy *wink*I guess you could say
To be continued.......
hey guys the next part is going to like there's going to be.....LOTS.....of lemon soooo.....if you don't like that stuff don't read it .......but if you do go right ahead.....byeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyey

(Not Completed But I Made New One)🐰Fionna And Marshell🦇 // Mature Content 15+Where stories live. Discover now