marshall and fionna part 10~another sleep over

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Fionna and marshall just got done watching the movie and she looked over at marshall with his head lunged back and his body jist laying there next to fionna.fionna then was about to get uup and leave untill she heard a grasp aaround her wrist

Marshall:please don't leave.....stay...
Fionna:come on dude I nedd to get can come if you want
Marshall:I thought you wouldn't ask

They get to the tree house and fionna kicks off her shoes and takes off her hat and goes to her room then instantly realizing that cake isn't home
She looks around for a clue and she then sees a not taped to a bag

Its cake I found a really cute pj's out fit hope you like it.I went out with lord.m ill be staying with him t8night and tomorrow sorry suger ill be home soon
Love you! Xoxoxoxo. Cake♡

Fionna:hmmm pulls out the bag and sees the most hottest, cutest, out fit over she covered her mouth and said, oh, my, glob, it was a a sweatshirt that said
"If I was a vampire you'd be down on your knees with in seconds" and some red shorts she instantly thought of marshall after what she read

Fionna:erggg what about marshall,...
Marshall:what about marshall?*smirks*
Fionna:ahhgghmmm.....nothing.....*looks away biting her lip*
Marshall:what do you have there bunny? *Tries to get around her*
Fionna:ermm ok here
Marshall:hehe I like it!
Fionna:thanks cake got it for me...*rubs ghe back of her head*
Marshall:what's wrong
Fionna:oh nothing
marshall:fionna.....I'm your best friends I know when your lieing
Fionna:/I hated those words "best friends"why can't we be more than that...i mean we have kissed before../*sighs*I've just been down lately....
Marshall:about what
Fionna:wellmots just boy problems-phone rings*
Gumball:hey fionna!
Fionna:oh hey what's up
Gumball:me and fp were wondering if we could have another sleep over were really bored today
Fionna:yeah sure that's ok
Gumball:I will make sure to tell marsh-
Fionna:no its ok ill tell him
Gumball:ok we will be heading your way in about 30 minutes were still working in the laboratory
Fionna:ok no problem ill see you soon bye

Fionna:that was gumball
Marshall:what dose he want
Fionna:he wants to have another sleep over and I gladly excepted but do you wanna stay for it?
Marshall:of coures I'm not leaving you with those to there maniacs *laughs*
Fionna:hehe.....thanks Marshall*blushes*
Marshall:no problem hehe
Fionna:I'm going to go take a shower ok?
Marshall:ok fi i will be down stairs if you need anything
To be continued.......

(Not Completed But I Made New One)🐰Fionna And Marshell🦇 // Mature Content 15+Where stories live. Discover now