fionna and marshall~part 4 :(

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Fionna and marshall were making out till marshall did something to fi that made her do a sexual moan
marshall continues kissing jer neck and at the same time he put his hands on her lower back and went lower and lower and till he had her ass right there in his hands he squeezed them so hard it made fionna jump and do that moan that marshall sure did like he was about to go alittle further untill there was a knock at the door

Marshall:oh fionna.....*continues kissing her neck*
Fionna:*moans* urggee marshall *he feels his hand go between her legs* m-marshall!
Marshall:fiona stop it your to sensitive*bites his lip* I kinda like it*smirks*
They continue this for about 8minutes till
"Knock, knock, knock"
Marshall:god damet *he mumbles under his breath*
Marshall answers the door its pb
Pb:hey have you seen fionna?
Marshall looks back and fionna tells him to say no
Marshall:no I haven't seen her anywhere....why?
Pb:do you like fionna?
Marshall:no I don't what do you like her tell me what do you like about her *he talks in a fast pace*
Pb:well I was planning on asking her out on a date do you think shell say yes?
Marshall:uhhh ......maaaaaabey?
Pb:yeah I love that girl hehehe....I can't wait till I get to squish her nice ass hehehe
Marshall:.....umm....ookaayyy...*slams the door on his face*
Marshell:that wss wierd
Fionna:yeah it was uhhh can I stay here tonight she hesitates
Marshall:of course.....
Fionna:*hugs marshall*can we wait alittle longee untill we go to the next level if you know what I mean
Marshall:yes fionna we can wait
But marshall didn't wanna wait he wanted to touch every inch of that body he wanted to lick her everywhere to claim her to him self only.............. he wanted to touch her so bad but he waited they fall asleep on the couch and wake up the next morning from a loud bang on the door
Fionna answered this time she then shot her eyes open and said ohhh..,,, uhh,
Pg:fionna!!?? I new you were fucking here how could you we had a date and everything planned
Fionna:what!!?? What are ypu talking about??
Pg:you know exactly what I'm talking about!!*grabs her wrist*
Fionna:p-pg let me go now!! Your h-hurting me stop!!
Marshall quickly got up and told pg to back off now or things are going to get messy and sticky (get it cause pg is made out of gum lol)
Pg:erhg what ever I hate you marshall
Fionna:leave gumball
Pg:fionna your comeing with me now!
Fionna:*slams the door and locks it*
Fionna:go away!!
Marshall:dude just leave!
Pg:errrgg ill get you one day fionna wether you like it or not! *walks away*
Fionna:*starts to cry*
Marshall:ohh fionna *frowns* please don't cry
Fionna:I just don't understand any more I....I think ill leave marshall.....
Marshall:n-no please fi stay
Fionna:I-I jist need to get my head straight
She leaves*
2 years later
Fionna:cake come on we got to go to the candy castel and get the stuff
Cake:ok girl hold on
Fionnas p.o.v
Its finnaly a new year its been 1 1/2 years since I've been completely out side while me and cake where on our way to the candy castel I saw a cave then I instantly new who it was.....Marshall..I missed him I wanted to give him a hug and tell him I was sorry I loved marshall but after all this time imdont even knowmif he feels the same way anymore *frowns*and that's when I saw him pop out of his cave with no umbrella i was wonderimg what he was doing....I then told cake to stop she did and I was about mabey 16 yards away from marshall I then saw him slowly start walking towards the light(sum shine)
I then yelled marshall he looked at me and then just continued walking I than ran towards him and his hand started to burn and sizzle I then was only a couple feet in front of him and then I jumped onto him out of the sunlight
marshall then started to cry who did that who is there he had his eyes shut
Fionna:marshall its me fionna!
Marshall:f-fionna *swings his eyes open* fionna! *hugs her tighter than ever*
Fionna:get your umbrella were going to the candy kingdom but then as the sun was slowly starts getting covered by the dark clouds I then grabbed his arm tell ing him never mind
Marshalls p.o.v
I can't believe it was fionna after she told me nevermind I saw the sky get dark I then staryed walking back towards her slowly smiling I then hugged her again she huged back it was the best feeling ever I loved it
*starts to rain*
Marshall:fionna you can't go back out there you'll get swept away *it starts to poor out of know where and lightning flashes and thunder rumbles*
Fionna:I-il stay gumballs mission wasn't that important anyway.......
Marshall:hehe.....there never important.....*looks at fionna confused*why did you leave and never come back.....
Fionna:because......(fionna was very nervous she didn't want to tell marshall she wanted to just hug him and never let go and then the words just feel out of her mouth like a water fall)

To be continued..........
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this one its kinda short sorry I'm tierd good night :() byeyeyeyeyeye

(Not Completed But I Made New One)🐰Fionna And Marshell🦇 // Mature Content 15+Where stories live. Discover now