fionna and marshall part 9 such a teaser

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Fionna and marshall were left alone at the tree house cake was gone for the day and gumball left and so did fp so then they started talking

Fionna:so what you wanna do? *looks over at marshall*
Marshall:I have a couple ideas but there not appropriate*smirks*
Marshall:what??*grin gets even bigger*
Fionna:*rolls her eyes* ergggg nothing.......

Marshall then said"wanna go to my house theres probably more stuff we could do over there"
"Sure"fionna then grabbed her stuff and they started walking to marshalls

Marshall:so fionna what movie do you wanna watch?
Fionna:eeerrgg I don't.....*gasp*I know!*grabs marshalls hand and starts running toward the dark cave
Marshall:fi! Jezz slow down!
Fionna:sorry I just really wanna watch this movie that I KNOW YOU have now come on and hurry up!

Marshalls p.o.v
While she was dragging me behind I couldn't help but look down at her butt and I couldn't believe it.....I saw lacy black under wear I blushed atbthe sight of it and then errrrg I just wanna--


They got to the cave and fionna ran inside and then through her hat and bag to the side and slidnher shoes off marshall came in and setbhis umbrella down and kicked his shoes off and watched fionna frantically look for his movie box

mashall:little bunny hehe...having trouble?*smirks*
Fionna:ermmm where is it marshy!*she moaned annoyed*
Marshall:*blushes*ugg what was that for?!
Marshall:the name?
Fionna:oh sorry I wasnjust thinking.......but wear is it
Marshall: its up in my bed room under the bed
Fionna then ran up stairs and started rummaging through things
Marshalls p.o.v
Is she doing this on purpose calling me "marshy" when she moaned that name it kinda turned me onmerrggg no stop......I wanna touch her.......amd squeeze her.....but!
Fionnas p.o.v
Errggg I'm trying to find the movie note book but I couldn't find it I then started pulling out more movie boxes I then got on my belly and laied on his bed and went through it
Marshalls p.o.v
I went up stairs quietly to try and scare fionna but I only scared my self to see her laying on MY bed with her butt hanging out I just wanna jump on her and .......nnugggggh......
Fionnas p.o.v
I went through and I SWEAR ON MY LIFE I HERD A MOAN I looked behing me and then I saw nothing but air I then yelled...marshall?! I got no answer for all I knew he could be behind me wanting to screw me or scare me and I finally found the movie I was so happy I gladey put all his movies away and back under the bed and then I saw a book it said "me and fionna" I was confused for a second I then looked around and the room and then I pulled the book out and opened it the first word I saw was "sexy"it then said "today me and fi picked strawberrys today it was night and she dropped a couple of them and she bent over to pick them up and I wasn't watching where I ran right into her and I could hear he moan alittle bit and then I fell right on top of her and then she said MARSHALL! I've wanted to hearnher scream my name before but in a more heheh sexual way..........
Oh my glob I should have never picked up this book fionna then put the book back under his bed and went back down stairs and saw marshall floating above the couch with the tv waiting for movie to be put in it I then got on my knees and put the movie in and it started playing.

Marshall:finally found it eh?
Fionna:well I got a bit distracted......
Marshall:by what?*looks at her confused
Fionna:nothing lets just watch the movie

During the movie fionna started to get hot it was 2:45pm and she was already getting tierd then marshall did something she wouldn't expect him to do......
To be countinued..........

(Not Completed But I Made New One)🐰Fionna And Marshell🦇 // Mature Content 15+Where stories live. Discover now