marshall and fionna~part 6 sex dreams??!?

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They started playing grandtheft car 5 and they were playing mutltie player fionna then then layed on her stomic and went around killing people

Fionna:guys uhhh....I.....I found a strip club *laughs*
Marshall:hahahah oh my glob lets go!
Fp:no that's desgusting especially for a girl to do!
Fionna:I dosnt matter lets go come on gumball lets do it
Marshall:there naked!!!
Fionna:what the hell hahahah
Pgb:ohh myy glob!! Hahaha
Fionna:come on fp you've always wanted to see a girl naked right???
Marshall:uhhhh fionna hahaha your the only real human that looks like these girls
Fionna:*blushes real hard* forget I said that
after 20 minites of being in the strip club this happenes
Fp:why are you quiet guys
Marshall:she's in game mode
Fionna:*annoying moan*what?????!!!
Pgb:what are you trying to do
Fionna:I'm trying to pull out this freaking gun
Fionna:I want to kill the strippers.....
Fionna:and mabey you guys*smirks*.......
Marshall:not if I kill you first!
Fionna:you wanna go bro!
Marshall:yeah lets go girl!
They start a war in the strip club punching each other and shoting each other
Fionna:your doing it again!!!!
Marshall:.....what's wrong
Fionna:don't let your apponet distract you *smirks*
Fionna kills marshalls character
Fionna:yes I win in your face *laughs*
Marshall:ermm.....*smirks* good game bunny
Fp:lets play more!
Fionna:ok ill do it
Marshall:ok lets go steal cars!
Fionnas p.o.v
I was getting really tierd but I did play more because I wanted to be with my friends and.....marshall to--whoa!!! whoa!!!stop fionna stop!!

(3hrs later )
Fionna:ermmm *slowly closes her eyes* ahh I'm up!!
Marshall:you ok fi you look.....tierd...hehe'm...I'm fine I promis--*falls over and falls asleep*
Fp:well looks like she's out*laughs*
Pbg:yeah she's pretty hot in that position to hehe
Marshall:lets not get any ideas now she's.....our friend.....but yeah she looks pretty sexy in that position....*blushes*
(20minites later)
They all lay down and they all lay down next to fionna and they turn the lighrs off and go to bed untill this happens
Fionna:*quiet moan*
Maeshall:what the hell*whispers*
Fp:who was that*whispers*
Pbg:was that *looks at fionna*fionna??
Marshall:what is she dreaming about??
Marshall:what.....the.....fuck......hahaha omg*whispers*
Fp:she's having a sex dream about you??!! Why not me
Pbg:guys shut up!
Fionnas p.o.v
Oh my glob I was having a sex dream about marshall I couldn't believe i was dreaming about this I tried to wake up but I couldn't till I herd people talking and then I instantly woke up
Fionna:ahh.....*moans*......*sits up fast and wakes up*
Marshall:uhh fionna?!
Fp:*scraches the back of his head*
Pgb:uerrmm how much did you hear......
Marshall:enough to hear what you were dreaming about....hehe
Fionna:omg.....guys this is so werid.....I don't know why I was dreaming about that......
Marshall:....this is werid...
Fionna:yeah it is hehehe*blushes*
Fionna starts looking through the games she finds a game called goatsimulation
Fionna:hmmm this game looks cool....
She puts in the game and starts playing it
Marshall:your a goat........
Fionna:what the hell*in the game she walks up to a person and head bitts him*
Fionna:opps I killed him ahhzhahah
Fp:I'm going to go ahead and go home
Pbg:yeah me to thanks for everything fi bye
Fionna:bye guys
Marshall:yeah fi I'm going to go ahead and go bye
Fionna:ok bye*frowns*
Fionna sits there playing the game untill this happens
Marshall:hey fi.....
Fionna:*gasp*you scared me!
Marshall:sorry I dodnt mean to scare you
Fionna:its ok wait why did you come back?
Marshall:I left for a minute so the guys wouldn't gget suspicious that I stayed soo.....
Fionna:aww thanks marshall
Marshall:no promblem....hey fi
Marshall:why were you having a.....dream....about uhhh me......
Fionna:I don't know why........but...ot was actually*blushes*
Marshall:what,,.......*looks at her right in the eyes* was...*leans forward toward marshall
Marshall:*leans forward with her and then............
To be continued...........
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