Chapter 4) Awake

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Danny didn't want to wake up. Everything was so soft, but the light. Ugh, stupid light. Couldn't it tell that he wanted to sleep? It wasn't only the light, there was an annoying pain. It was everywhere. 

             Danny opened his eyes slowly and let out a whine. The lights burned his eyes. No that was an understatement. His eyes felt like they were on fire. The fire was definitely unnatural.

Danny slowly turned and put his feet on the ground. The hard wood floor felt unreal against his feet. Like he never walked before. He tried to take a step, but fell instantly. Danny let out a groan.

Danny didn't notice how he began floating, but he did notice he was moving. He assumed he was walking. Danny has been walking most of his life, so it wasn't like he knew any different.

Danny looked around at the room for the first time. He frowned, Danny had never been in a room this fancy. Everything looked expensive. The first thought that pops into his head was that he shouldn't be here.
Samantha was getting a wet cloth from the bathroom when she heard a loud thump. No one else was in the house except the stranger in the bedroom and her sleeping grandmother. Samantha smirked, something just felt inappropriate about that last sentence.

She rushed into the room to find the mysterious boy floating there. Floating? No, that cannot be possible! Humans do not float, unless they're not human.

        "Um? Sorry to bother you, but can I help you? Maybe I should restart. I'm Samantha Manson." She began to ramble.

"Samantha?" He echoed like it was all too familiar or alien.

"Yes, that is what people call me, but my true friends call me Sam. And you are?" Samantha began to get a little frustrated with this mystery boy.

"Don't you recognize me? Sam, please! It's me Daniel Fenton, but everyone calls me Danny." He cried out.

        Samantha shook her head with disbelief. "No, you're not. Danny Fenton is a boy I went to school with. He did not have white hair or green eyes. You are not him." Samantha's voice filled with range. How dare he insult her old friend's memory like that?

           "Y-yes. I am." He sobbed back. Samantha almost showed pity to this lost boy, but he was clearly lying to her. She took him to her home and risked so much, but he still decided to lie to her. Samantha did not consider that he did not know all of those things.

"Prove it then." She argued back.

"How? I know I'm Danny Fenton. How else can I prove it?" He muttered back.

Grief hit her heart again, but Samantha did not plan on backing down. "How long were you in school for? How old are you? Who were you friends?"

"I am just fourteen years old. I dropped out of school three years ago. I didn't have much friends, but I had two. Well, I think they're my friends. I have not talked to them in a while. Sometimes I even wonder if they remember me." His sober voice echoed in Samantha's ears. He could not be her long lost friend, but how come could he know all of f that? Maybe a good amount of research?

          "If you really were Danny Fenton then tell me about your friends." Samantha replied, unsure what to think.

          'Danny' seemed one the verge of tears, but nodded anyway. "Well, if-if you count them as fr-friends. I had some in school and now? Well, I haven't t-t-talked to them in two? Maybe three? Years. Tuck and y-you. Please. Please, believe me."

           Samantha was still for a minute, but for the first time in a long time she felt... Relief? Maybe even hope.

"I believe you." She whispered.

She pulled out her Walkie-talkie to hear T. Foley's voice echoing through the speaker. "Roger. Samantha are you there?"

"Yes." Samantha replied worriedly.

"Roger. I think I have a theory of who's the mystery boy is."

Samantha was quite for a moment. "Me too."

"Roger. Do you want to go first? Or should I?" Tucker asked.

"I will. "


"Danny Fenton. He maybe woke up." Samantha said a little embarrassed.

"Hmmm. Maybe I should of went first, that was my guess." T. Foley teased. "I'm coming over right away. Roger out."

Samantha realize led that Danny was too quiet. After a moment he muttered, "You believe me."


Tears rolled down Jasmine's face. She couldn't help it, Danny wasn't home yet. T. Foley said that he was probably cleaning up, but it's been too long. What could she tell her parents? Should she call the police? Which one would believe her more? Or match her worries?

          Jasmine paced back and forth. Usually she would worry about what would the neighbors would think, but now, she does not care.

She heard the door slam open. "Jazzy Pants! We're home! Danny Boy!" She heard her Father call out.

John 'Jack' Fenton stomped into the room which was normal walking for him. Jack immediately saw the destress on his daughter's face.

"Madeline! Jazz, What is wrong?" The father asked Jasmine kindly.

      "Father, I do not know. Danny he is..... Not home yet. There was this big explosion at the factory, but a friend said he must be cleaning up. It has been hours and no sign of Danny." Tears continued to fall off of Jasmine's face. She did not care that she looked childish, she only cared about her brother.

       Madeline Fenton walked in. "Jazz, Sweetheart. Whatever the trouble is, we will get through it."

The parents soothed Jasmine like she was a little child. "We will figure this out, Princess. Don't you worry." Jack Fenton whispered to her, over and over. Maybe he knew that she needed to her that or maybe he needed to hear that.


Thanks for all the support. Sorry for the late update and short chapter. What do you think? Please comment!

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