Chapter 7) Not so Truthful Truth

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           Danny woke up to a soft sunlight. The light was soothing and he did not want to get out of bed. Nothing hurt, but being in bed just felt nice. He couldn't remember the last time he had a peaceful wake up. Always the dread of going to the factory or going to school were facing him when he rises from bed, but not this time. It was unbelievable, unrealistic to Danny. Until the memories of yesterday caught up with him. The terrifying near death experience still caused him to shake, but seeing his friends... Well that was pass a nice surprise. Just being with them made the whole accident better. Finally he decided to get out of bed.

       Danny slowly got dressed into trousers and and a shirt. He was in no rush to answer his family's questions. Danny just wanted breakfast and silence. Maybe if he can take his time, everyone will be gone by the time Danny gets down stairs.

He was wrong. His parents and his big sister were downstairs eating breakfast. It was completely quiet, no one made a move to ask Danny a question or most importantly, get him breakfast.

Danny sat down at the kitchen table. The table was medium sized, not meant for more than six people to sit at.

Finally after minutes of silence, Jasmine spoke up. "Do you want pancakes?" Danny nodded vigorously.

She held the pancakes just out of his reach. "To get the pancakes, you have to tell me what happened last night."

"What do you mean?" Danny tried to ask as obvious as he could.

"You know what I mean." She stubbornly answered.

"Sweetheart, can you please tell us? From your own words." His mother begged.

"I want to hear your story too, Danny-boy!" He father exclaimed.

               Danny sighed. What could he tell them? That he got beaten up by his boss's son? That he got taken to a old friend's house to heal? That he woken up with white hair? But now he has black hair? No. He had to tell them something else. Not the truth, but not a lie.

"Umm... I- I was helping out.... Cleaning the.... Uh factory. I feel asleep in the ectoplasm and then woke up in my bed. I just thought it was a bad dream. I guess." Danny stammered.

               "You're lucky Danny-boy." Mr. Fenton announced.

                "Why?" Questioned Jasmine.

               "That explosion sent ectoplasm everywhere. Hundreds of people were effected. As in dead, but they didn't stay dead. Media is calling them 'ghosts'. These ghosts have strange powers. Most have walking through walls, invisibility and ectoplasmic rays." Jack Fenton explained.

Danny's mother gave him a hug. "I'm so glad that the ectoplasm didn't effect you!" She cried.

Danny felt guilty. Maybe he should tell them. "Well, dad...."

"Maddie there is a good thing about these ghosts. They have ectoplasm!" Jack Fenton shouted.

"You are right. I can not wait to tear the ghosts molecule by molecule to their ectoplasm. Imagine how much they must have!" Madeline Fenton agreed with her husband. "Oh, sorry. What were you saying Danny?"

             Danny started to panic a little bit. He did not want to become a science experiment or what was left of an experiment. "I was just about to ask why being effected by ectoplasm was bad, but you answered my question." Danny not so smoothly answered.

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