Chapter 9) Flying Meat

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Nothing made sense to Danny. Meat should not float or attack people. People should not be afraid of meat. Especially cooked, dead meat.

         "Danny do something!" Samantha cried.

           "Like what?"

             "I do not know! I am not the one who can fly!" She snapped.

As the few people that were in the cafe ran screaming and Tucker trying to be one of them (he was stopped by Samantha), Danny changed into his ghost form. This time Danny didn't notice the alien feeling. That was almost scarier to Danny than the floating meat. Almost.

"Maybe we should follow the floating meat. Wow, I didn't think I would ever say that in my life. " Tucker recommended.

Samantha and Tucker followed close behind me as we followed the meat into the kitchen. We found a almost innocent looking old lady preparing various sweets and meats. Anyone in town would recognize her, she was the Lunch Lady. Except now she glows and is a little transparent.

She turned around as if expecting them. "Hello sweethearts, do you know who changed my menu?"

"Your nephew, Mr. Lancer ma'am." Danny replied politely as he could.

"Andrew always has his mind in a book. He could not possibly think of this monstrosity. Now tell me who actually changed it. " Lunch Lady told them sweetly.

Obviously without second thought Tucker said, "Miss Manson, here."

                         "You changed my menu!" Lunch lady shouted. As the her angry sky rocketed so did the meat. Danny could not feel his friends beside him, he wanted, no needed his friends to be okay. Then an eerie calm came across the room. Danny could see that his friends had never left him, just that paranoia had just gotten to him.

"Do you want a cookie?" She asked.

"Um yes?" Answered Samantha.

"Too bad. People who change my menu don't get cookies!" The lunch lady wailed. More pastries and meat attacked the young friends as they struggled to get out.

Dad said something about flying through walls and being invisible, was I lucky enough to get that power? Danny thought to himself. "Okay, I think I have plan." Danny announced.

"That's the first time." Tucker quipped. "What is it?"

"Still coming up with it."

"Danny the whole point of a plan is to have it prepared." Samantha remarked as a piece of baloney barely missed her head.

"Yeah. Your right, it's more of an idea."

                                "Just do it already!" Tucker cried.

                              Danny grabbed both of their hands as the stacks of food came at them. He pictured the alien feeling, no energy going through him. He imagined it turning him intangible and invisible, hoping it might work.

He opened his eyes to see that they were out of the the kitchen and outside the building. "It worked!" Danny cried. Then Danny suddenly wanted to puke, but Tucker did it for him. Samantha looked close to it too.

When Tucker was done puking , Tucker said, "A little warning next time."

"Honestly I had no clue that it would actually work. " Danny responded.

"You had no clue? I mean that was amazing, but you had no clue? I would almost be mad, if you did not seem so about to puke and tired." Samantha kinda scolded.

                             "Danny are you okay? Sam is right." Tucker added on.

                           Danny let out a dry laugh. "You're the on that puked, but you're worried about me." Danny wondered. He let out an yawn. "Yes, I'm fine. " Then the bright hot summer became cold and dark as Danny felt himself fall to the ground.


"I'm really getting sick of this happening." T. Foley said out loud. Oops, did he rally say that out loud?

Miss Manson scrunched her eyebrows. "What do you mean? Wait this happened before? I mean other than the time we found him?"

"Well yeah. Danny decided it was a good idea to try to fly home. He most of used so much energy up that he umm... fainted. I kinda had to carry him home and explain something to his folks." T. Foley answered.

                          "You didn't actually tell them what happened right!" Miss Manson exclaimed.

                          T. Foley picked up Danny. Was it just him or did Danny seem heavier then last time?  "Do you take me as a fool? Of course not. I gave them some truth, but not all of it. Okay, maybe no truth at all."

"So you lied to them."

"Not exactly. Do I have to carry Danny?"

"Well I'm going to help, but.." Miss Manson started, but T. Foley interrupted her.

"Thank god."

"You interrupted me. I was going to say give me a minute. Just wait right here." She said as she ran off into the nearest alley.

"What? You need to stretch?" T. Foley called after her.

                      T. Foley had no clue how long she was going to be, so he hid the body. No Danny wasn't dead, but T. Foley just loved that term. He hid Danny behind some boxes in the alley way.

                    Unluckily for Miss Manson she was putting in her pants. She let out a scream and punched Tucker in the gut. "Get out! Take Danny with you!"

                    "I thought you said you were going to help. "

                      "I am but not now. "

                       T. Foley was use to this. Well not carrying Danny, but having Miss Manson change into a boy's clothes. She didn't feel like she was a man, but she did it to get the respect she deserved. Miss Manson loved action. Anything to protests to sneaking into private grounds. She needed to be a guy to get into some things, but at the same time needed her family name and money. Sometimes she'll just go as herself to get her family name across, but other times she just needed the rights that guys had. T. Foley understood that, he thought that she was lucky to be able to do that.

                T. Foley began carrying Danny to back to Danny's home. Then he heard Samantha (he usually calls Samantha Samuel in boy form) calling for him.

                  "I told to wait Tuck. I told you I was going to help."


Sorry for such a late update. Hopefully I will update two times before the new year. Happy really late Halloween. Have a great day!

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