Chapter 11) Kinda Planning

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           "So? What's the plan again?" T. Foley asked.

           "We don't have one." Danny responded.

             "I was going to say that running in and screaming 'go back where you come from wrenched ghost!' Is the best idea." T. Foley added.

"Wrenched? Plus, how was that plan different from the original idea? Turning intangible and flying away." Miss Manson reminded them.

"I have to have some other helpful powers." Danny pointed out.

"What can be better than flying, being invisible and intangibility?" Samantha questioned.

"I think a way to trap a ghost?" Tucker brainstormed. "Or making money appear out of no where?"

"Danny, Jazz? We're home!" Jack Fenton's voice boomed through the whole house.

They heard Jazz say something back. Then Jack boom again, "that's great sweetie! We heard of ghost sighting!..... No we didn't see it, but one of those days we will!"

They heard Jasmine say that Danny was sleeping. They heard Jack's usual boom go down to barely audible tone.

                 Samantha, T. Foley and Danny looked at each other. "So how are we going to go home?" T. Foley  whispered.

"It's only two in the afternoon. We could figure out how to defeat her." Samantha pointed out.

"Sooo? How are we going to defeat her?" T. Foley asked.

"I said figure out, didn't I?" Samantha snapped back.

"I think wait until dinner." Danny said dreamily.

"We can't wait a couple of hours to plan. Unless you mean get food which I would agree with, but may I remind you that we didn't have lunch. You know because of the lunch lady." T. Foley said.

                       "No, I mean the cafe is still open for  dinner." Danny explained.

                        "It's not. I've been to the cafe everyday and it closes at two o'clock. It probably closes earlier because of the ghost attack." Samantha figured out.

                       "So no food?" T. Foley asked.

                        "Tucker, we are going to have a lot of food soon enough." Danny said.

                        "I don't get it."

                         "You know because the lunch lady throws, sorry floats food at high speeds."

                        "Still not funny."

                       "Neither one of you are funny." Samantha sighed.

                     "Do you think she'll still be there?" Danny asked.

                     "Probably. Where else would a glowing, floating lady go?" T. Foley responded sarcastically. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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