Chapter 8

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  AN: I died while writing, I hope you guys die while reading even if this chapter was boring.. <3 

"Come on, Noona don't be like that and tell me" Jungkook said smirking while leaning on the door of my home. 

"You wanna die? You think that I'm dating that toad?" I said giving him an annoyed expression.
Who would think that in the first place.. Jungkook already knows how much I hate Wang Jackson.

Yup... It's confirmed.
I have a retarded brother.

"Try to think about it yourself noona! You're thinking about Jackson right now right?" He said making me think. OH yeah.. I was... but..

"then.. You're in lOvE" He said empathising the last word.
I looked up with huge eyes and was ready to kick him, but he jumped up and down making me dizzy.

"okay okay.. But don't come and fangirl or cry over him once you date him." He said.
I was ready to hit him on the head but he ran before I had the chance to.

"aish.. This boy" I muttered as I finally entered my sweet home.
I quickly greeted my dad with a back hug and zoomed up the stairs to my room.

"Ahhh, My favorite place in the world" I said as I jumped on my bed.
I stared at my ceiling as I thought for a while.


"Dude... Why are you following me like a stalker?" I said turning around feeling uncomfortable of Jackson standing at the back.
"It's 6:30" Jackson simply said with a monotone.
"How can I leave you alone" 

I unknowingly smiled as I put my pillow on my face biting it.
"How can I leave you alone"
KYAAAAAA. He's better than Song Joong Ki...

And that was when reality shot on me.
I slapped my face and screamed, slapped screamed and repeated it.
I ran around the room muttering stupid stuff to myself.

"how can I think that... How is a freaking better than.. wow.. Why am I thinking about him.. noooOooOOOO HEO YOUNGJI! ACT LIKE YOURSELF" I screamed and jumped on my bed one last time but instead of a comfortable and soft feeling, I felt pain on my back.

I looked back and saw my phone lying on my bed. But that wasn't it... It was cracked.
"nononoNONoNOnONoNOnonnoonO!" I shouted and observed my phone screen.
uhhh dammit. Because of Wang Jackson...

Speaking of the devil, I saw a notification on my phone.

You wanna go buy something with me?
-Sent on WANGPUPPY's phone, 7:21

Who the hell is Wangpuppy... What a retarded name.

Who are you
-Sent on iPhone, 7:21

I just continued to stare at my phone to see the 'WANGPUPPY' reaction.
Do I know him? Or am I being really stupid..

Are you... God...
Just come out of you're home and you'll see YoungGbear <3

-Sent on WANGPUPPY's Phone, 7:23

Ok... Now this is getting really creepy...
"HEO JUNGKOOK!!!!" I shouted but there was nothing.
"YAH! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" I shouted once more and there wasn't any sound.

I smirked and thought of the best thing ever.
"I'M TELLING THAT YENG OR... WHAT'S HER NAME AGAIN? YESUN. YEA YESUN THAT YOU LIKE HER" I shouted and counted down with my fingers.




"NOONA! I DON'T LIKE HER!!!!" Jungkook shouted while barging into my room pouting.
"sureeee" I said while getting my jacket.
"AND HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU. IT'S YERI" Jungkook said sitting on my bed, crossing his arms like a baby.

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