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Want to make a porno? We don't have to tape it.

Wanna tickle my Oscar Meyer Wiener?

Wanna play midget boxing? You get down on your knees and give me a couple blows!

Wanna play carnival? You sit on my face and I guess how much you weigh.

Wanna play Army? I lay down and you blow the hell outta me.

Wanna play "kite"? I lay down, you blow and we'll see how high you can make me.

Wanna fuck like bunnies?

WAIT, don't drink that. Don't you know that makes your chest grow to twice its normal size? Oh, I'm sorry. I guess it's too late.

Vogue just called, they want to put you on the cover.

Try me once and if you don't like it, what have you wasted? What, six hours of your life? It'd be more if you want foreplay.

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