Chapter 1

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Let's start at the beginning. His name was earl Hollins, he was married to Paris Hollins. He had the power to see into the future, but this didn't stop him from living his life. He knew more about his great great granddaughter than she did, she wasn't even an idea yet. He was the only person who knew her. Her name was Claire, after his son's wife. He knew that she would be the sweetest little girl and that she would be much more trustworthy than her older sister. So in his will he wrote: "Please give all of my fortune and my estate to my youngest great great granddaughter. All my other possessions must stay on the estate with her and the rest of her family."

"Great" I mumbled to myself as i read over my schedule for next year. I have cooking classes with Victoria, Marley, and Sarah, the bullies. I would have hoped to not have any classes with them, but trusting the principle is out of the question I guess. "You only have to survive one more year Claire just one." I say to myself. RRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG. That's the bell. Finally. Time for work. I run to my locker and put away my books as fast as possible before they can get to me. I get in my truck, the blue one my dad give me for my sixteenth birthday, and drive to the cafe. My sister doesn't have a car because my parents don't trust her with one.

"Hey, dad!" I say to my dad as I walk in the cafe. "Get an apron from the back and start up the cupcake machine Claire." My dad tells me while taking Mr. Juan's order. "Eye, eye sir!" I half yell at him while giving him a salute. You may think that my dad was joking about the cupcake machine but it really is a cupcake machine! My great great grandfather was an inventor. The cupcake machine was his last invention. I and my dad have kept it running but I don't think it will last much longer. I find a note on the machine that says: Vanilla, Chocolate, Mint, Red Velvet, and Strawberry. Extra Chocolate. Chocolate is our best seller, of course we need extra! I grad the ingredients for vanilla cupcakes and put them in the correct places for the cupcakes. I pull the lever. If I had to say one thing that I like about my job is getting to pull that lever, it's just so satisfying for some reason. I do the rest of the flavors and by the time I get to red velvet my dad's pressuring me to "hurry it up". I finish the cupcakes and go to make the drinks. My dad already has a huge list of drinks to make by the time I got upstairs. 7 coffees, 5 teas, 6 juices and, 9 smoothies! That was a long night. I and my dad got home at around 7:00 PM. I was really tired, but I had a report to do, so I did that until 9:00, watched TV until 10:00 then went to sleep. The normal routine.

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