Chapter 8

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Saturday Morning

It was six AM! Who calls at six AM! I saw that it was James, so I decided to answer it.

"James you do know its six AM! On a Saturday! I need like, four more hours of sleep!"

"I'm sorry but this is really important."


"Claire I'm moving tomorrow."

"What? Where!?"

Three towns away. I have no say in it, Claire! Since I'm not 18 I have to go. I really wish I could stay."

"Wow.... When are you leaving tomorrow?"

"2 o' clock in the afternoon."

"That means we have.... 32 hours left! You need to come over. Quickly!"

"Claire, I-I really wish I could but I have to stay and help get ready. I really wish I could."

"Oh. Could you tomorrow?"

"Only for an hour."

"Well we are going to have the best hour possible!"

"Okay. See you then, Claire."

"See you then, Bye."

The second my life was starting to go be in my favor and it crashes. I knew this was going to happen. I need to get as many answers as possible for now. Did my family know of the charm? And if so, why had they hidden it from me. Since it was from my father's side I would think he would know. The cafe wouldn't be open but he would be there preparing for the day. Perfect. I got in my car and drove to the cafe.

"Dad." I started not knowing how to ask.

"Honey, why are you here? You don't work today and the cafe is closed." He said looking up from the coffee machine he was cleaning.

I sat down on one of the stools in front of him and said, "I need to talk to you about something. Do you remember the will my great great grandfather left?" I had decided to start there.

"Yes." My dad answered.

I decided just to go for it, "Do you know what the Hollins Charm is?"

"How do you know about that?" He asked sounding very serious.

"So you do know!" I said to him accusingly.

"You didn't answer my question. How do you know?" He said again slowly.

"Why didn't you tell me!?" I yelled standing up.

"Honey, we thought it was-"He started to say when I cut him off knowing what he would say.

"You thought not knowing that I could have powers would be best for me!"

"We thought you could stop it. The curse. If you didn't have powers you wouldn't pass it on." He explained.

"So that's what you think it's a curse to you. Why?" I said silently, but before he could answer I said, "That didn't work." I flung one of the coffee bags across the room and started to leave.

"Wait." My Dad said.

I turned around and said, "What?"

"You can stop this, right?" He asked.

"No I can't. I'm not as strong as she was and if I was I wouldn't stop this charm. It isn't a curse you might see it as that but I don't" I said opening the door with my mind. "Goodbye." I said and left.

I drove around town for what seemed like hours it seemed like the world was falling around me. I thought about running away, but I needed to finish school first. I was going to graduate then leave and get as far away from this place as possible. I have one more month of school. And then it hit me. Without James with me every day after school I will surely be bullied. I have to do something.

I went home. My dad wouldn't be there, thankfully. I went to my room in the barn and practiced my power for a while it was getting stronger and more precise. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, and an idea hit me. There was no one in the kitchen so I stood in the doorway and got a glass from the cupboard from there. I filled it with water from the doorway, as well as brought it to myself. This was awesome. When I was in my room I practiced moving the glass around without spilling the water. Someone knocked on the barn door and I almost dropped the glass, but I kept it balanced and carefully set it down.

I looked through the window and saw that it was my mother. I went down to see what she wanted. The second she saw that I was coming down the stairs she hurried in and shut the door behind her. Let me see. She said urgently. What? I asked, but I already knew what she wanted. You know, your father told me. She said even more urgently. I moved a small piece of wood in front of my face and dropped it. She looked surprised, so I said, You're in on it to then? She answered, Honey, you don't have to.. Get rid of the curse. The family can take care of it next time I-I cut her off when I yelled ITS NOT A CURSE! You both keep saying that it is but it isn't! What is the problem!? I didn't want to hear the answer, so I grabbed the flashlight that was across the barn with my and ran down the stairs to the basement.

I telekinetically grabbed the key unlocked the door to the secret passage way and locked it again. Right when I locked the door I heard her coming down the stairs. I didn't dare turn the flashlight on she would see the light. I heard her mumble to herself, Does she have teleportation too? I had the key so she couldn't get in. I heard her walking up the stairs. I turned the light on and sat down on the ground. It was cold and wet but I didn't care. My life was falling apart. I should just leave. I'm 18, I should be able to. I've been saving up for years so I could just, leave.

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