Chapter 2

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I live on my great great grandfather's farm with, wait for it, my sister, my mom, my dad, my grandmother, my grandfather, and my great grandmother. I thought you might want to know that I'm named after my great grandmother even though she doesn't know me. She only remembers one person her son, or my grandfather. My family still takes care of the farm, we raise chickens and have a pretty big garden. Our house isn't that big it only has four bedrooms, so if you've done the math we need one more bedroom. That's where my room comes in. It's in the barn, since we don't use it as a barn anymore the second story is my room. It is huge so I don't complain. You may be asking, how do you pay for the land? Well my grandfather didn't just leave his estate he left his wealth too. It is a lot. The funny part is, he left it ALL to, me. I remember that day like it was yesterday:


I was in my room playing with my dolls.

“Honey, I have something to tell you.” My mother had said entering my room.

I was ten so I thought someone had died. “What?” I said.

“Do you remember that your great great grandfather gave us the farm and all of his money?” She said.

“yeahhhhh” I said more interested now.

“Well he didn't leave it to the WHOLE family. He left it to you.”


“We have been using the money all these years to pay for the farm. If you want us to stop we can.”

“its okay mom, you can use it”

“How about this, When you graduate high school you can have it. Okay?”

“That sounds good, but why didn't he give it to May?” May is my older sister.

“I don't know honey, he somehow must have known that you were going to be the smartest, most kind girl in the world” 

*End Flashback*

It was such I surprise to know that he cared so much about me, when he didn't even know me! It was weird but awesome at the same time. Since it's “my money” I get whatever I want! Well kind of.

I meant to upload this Friday. Lol. So double update rn. PS that looks like Claire up there.

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