Chapter 6

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Thursday Morning

"Hello is this Mrs. Jones?" I said into my phone. "Yes, who is this?" The lady answered. "I'm Claire Hollins. Do you own the old house on the west edge of town?" I asked hoping she wouldn't hang up. "Um, Yes. Why do you ask?" She said. "Well I'm doing a report on my ancestry in history class and I found out that my great great grandfather lived in that house." I said. "Oh, I didn't know that the house was that old!" She exclaimed. "Yeah, well I was wondering if I could come to the house and see where he lived as a kid." I asked. "Of course! I would love to help!" She answered excitedly. "Could I bring my friend? He's helping me with my project. Don't tell him I told you this but," I started to say quietly," he's loves antiques." "Your secret is safe with me, and yes he can come." She said. "Thank you so much! Can we come today around 5:00?" I asked. "Sure," she said," I'll meet you there and I'll let you in." "Cool. I have to leave for school now. Bye!" I said. "Bye!" I said. Click. "Okay," I said to myself, "Time for school."

"Hey, Damsel." James said putting his arm around my waist. "You're still calling me that huh?" I asked. "Yes, and I always will." He answered smiling at me. I rolled my eyes and poked him in the stomach. "We can go to the house today at 5:00." I said changing the subject. "Awesome. Are you sure you'll get some supernatural thing from going to the house?" He said jokingly. "Ha ha. I know something will happen. I don't know if it will be supernatural thought." I said. "Darn," he said," I was hoping to see a ghost!" I rolled my eyes again. We said our goodbyes and left for our first hour clubs.

When we were leaving school I knew that the girls were watching so I decided to kiss James on the cheek. I've started to like this method of keeping them of my back.

The house was huge! I had seen pictures but in person it was bigger than I had expected. "Let's go." I said. She was already waiting for us on the porch. "Let's make this quick, this place gives me the hebie gebies." She said when she saw us. "Me too." I said grabbing James' hand. It seems like a childish think to do but I was really scared to go in there and he seemed just as scared. She gave us a tour of the house. Nothing seemed really weird until we got to his bedroom. "If you want to go in his room you can go in by yourselves. I am not going in there. I looked over at James and squeezed his hand. He nodded and we walked in. The second I got in I saw a picture in my mind. A little boy around the age of 8. He had my same facial features, same eye color, light green, and same hair color, dirty blonde. I stepped back. Into a wall. "Claire." I heard James say. "I-I'm fine" I said answering his question before he could ask it. I examined the room. There was a picture of a little boy the exact little boy I saw in my head. "Who is this?" I asked no one in particular. "We think it was the boy who lived here, your great great grandfather." The lady said from the doorway. "Claire, are you alright?" James asked sounding very concerned. I didn't answer him. I touched the photo. Bad idea. The last think I remember was hitting my head. Hard. And James saying my name.

"WHATS WRONG WITH ME!" Yelled the little boy to his mother.

"Honey, this is normal," the woman said calmly, "Let me tell you the story of the Hollins Charm."

The little boy looked at his mother waiting for the answer to the visions.

"Your great great grandmother was magical, she could make things move with her mind, she could tell the future, and she had many other powers. She didn't want this power to go to waste so she put a charm on our family. The charm said that the nicest child of every fifth generation would have the change to control these powers. Honey this is just those powers. This means you're the nicest child of the fifth generation. And your nicest great great granddaughter or son will have these powers too." The woman explained.

"It's daughter." The boy said.

There was a searing pain in my head. I groaned slightly in pain. "Claire!" I heard James yell. "Don't yell." I mumbled to him. "Sorry." He said. I opened my eyes and saw James above me and the roof of my pick up behind him. We were in my car. "Where are we?" I asked trying to sit up. James said, "we're at your house and don't try to sit up you'll hurt yourself even more." "James," I said loudly figuring out what had just happened." I understand it. I understand everything" I said throwing my arms around his neck and burying my face in his shoulder. "What is it he asked me quietly. "I'll explain later," I said into his shoulder. "Let's get you to your room." He carried me to my room and laid me down on my bed, gave me a goodbye kiss, and left.

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