Chapter 10

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The Next Morning

“Ready?” I asked James for what felt like the hundredth time. He nodded. I thought of myself fading. I had talked to great great grandfather earlier to learn how to become invisible. I thought of myself becoming invisible. I looked at James to see if it had worked. He had a shocked look on his face and he nodded in my general direction. I looked down at my hands they had a slight grayness to them. Just like he said they would. I had become invisible a couple times before this, but it was still awesome! My head was starting to hurt really bad so I became visible again and fell onto my couch. I placed my head on James' lap.

He said, “You're getting better but you can't push yourself to exertion. You know that, right?” I answered, “Yeah but,” I paused wondering if I should share this with him, “James, I have to learn these powers in two weeks. If I don't, I can't pass these powers down to my great great grandchild! I don't want to stop this charm! I have to try really hard at this because. Well because I don't want to be the person who ends this! W-Who ruins all the work she put into this!” I had sat up to look him in the eye as I said this. “Claire,” He said putting his hand on my cheek, “You- Just don't hurt yourself. When I leave, I can't help you anymore. So you need to push it down a notch. You'll hurt yourself! Heck, you just hurt yourself now!” “No I didn't.” I said. I knew it was a lie my head was still aching. “Claire don't lie to yourself, you and I both know your head hurts from putting too much strain on yourself.” He paused, “Promise me this: When I'm gone you will not push yourself above your limit. Okay?” I looked at him and said, “I promise.” We sat in silence.

We both knew it, this relationship was done. Neither of us wanted it to but there was no way for this to work. We could have a long distance relationship but he didn't have a computer, so we couldn't talk over that. For a fleeting moment I had an idea. “Let's run away. Together.” I said looking him dead in the eye. He laughed and said, “Claire, you know we can't do that. You have school and I have my family.” I knew he was right. His phone buzzed. It was time. We both stood up at the same time. I threw my arms around his shoulders and he hugged my waist. I didn't want to let go, but I had to. I kissed him goodbye. Hugged him one more time. And he left I watched him get in his car and drive away.

A few hours later

I needed to practice and I was getting tired of my room so I decided to try something. There's a large archway we use as the entrance of the farm. The top is flat with some plants. The barn wasn't very far and I was quite good at teleportation. I did it. I was good. I stayed up there for a while, looking around at the split between city and country. They were so different! In one direction there were houses and buildings and to the other there were fields and other small farms.

Two months later

I heard a knock at my door. “Who could that be?” I asked myself. I was in a small town far away from anyone who knew who I was and my past. The only person who knew where I am is Mrs. Jones, The woman who owns my great great grandfather's childhood home. I opened the door and saw the last thing I expected to see.

“James!?” I yelled stepping back a bit. “What are you doing here? And more importantly how did you find me!?”  I asked him. Did he find it?

“You know how I found you!” He yelled back, “You left a note!” 

He did find it, “Yeah! The vaguest note in the world!” The note had said 'the charm home.'

“I must say you hid it well” He said, “Can we talk?”

I still wanted him to be in my life so I agreed and showed him to my living room.

“Claire,” He started right away, “I know I left you in that house with those people that didn't understand you when I easily could have stayed. I'm really sorry, Claire, but I had no choice I had to go and be with my family.”

“I know,” I said with tears coming to my eyes, “but you can't come into my life now. I-I-I'm not normal, James, I have these powers and it's probably better if I just stay alone.”

He grabbed my shoulders and said, “Claire, this isn't the you I know. I don't care if you have powers! I thought it was awesome! Claire, I went through that box of clothes and none of your family did! I knew you left it for a reason! I know you better than you think, and this, is not you.”

I put my arms around his neck and buried my face in his chest. I knew he was right but I didn't want him to see me cry.

LAST CHAPTER (besides the epilogue)

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