| twenty two.

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message to 

can we talk?
jitters at 2?

umm sure
i just have something with iris
so i might be late

that's all cool
I just need to ask you something


  TWO O'clock soon came around and Jen was sitting in jitters with a warm cup of coffee in her hands. She was waiting for Barry's arrival; she was worried that he would say no.

Jen had wanted to ask Barry if he would come back with the Starling crew to accompany her at Julie's fifth birthday party.

She didn't have the courage to face her family alone, not after being called multiple times by her mother and father about her call with Liz.

Looking down to her phone the screen showed that it was 2:26, she knew Barry was late but never this late; at least when it came to her.

She wondered what life would be if she hadn't had met Barry, she would still be in Starling, not getting this amazing opportunity, no one would know that she was freaking related to the Oliver Queen and she wouldn't have met the amazing Cisco and Caitlin, oh and Joe.

Maybe life would've been worse.

50 minutes passed by and he had still not shown up, Jen sighed in disappointment putting on her beanie and grabbing her bag and walked out of Jitters.

"I thought he would have at least had the courage to text me." She said walking past Jitters and towards her hotel.

What she didn't know was that Barry Allen was running his fastest (in human speed) to try to get to Jitters before he missed her, Iris trailing behind him by a few metres.

Walking into Jitters his eyes roamed around the café trying to find the girl that always caught his eye, and he didn't.

He took a seat near the front rubbing his temples as he had basically just stood up one of his best friends.

Iris came and sat next to him rubbing his back and mumbling kind words as Barry felt guilty.

"Don't worry, it probably wasn't important anyway." She said not focusing on anything else but her friend's feelings.

"I hope."

1 | texts ( barry allen )Where stories live. Discover now