| forty seven.

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   Over the course of the remaining two and a half months of Jen's pregnancy, Barry, Rach and all the Gillins siblings had moved into the small apartment that Jen and Vin had previously owned together.

    Was it ever chaotic?

    Jen had mended majority of her broken relationships with many people; Liz, Gabe, Iris.

    She had gotten to see the very own Flash statue being built, she had the opportunity to finally get to know Joe and Iris better, she met Ronnie, she did a lot of things over the 2 and a half months.

    But on this one day, December 7th she knew something big was going to happen.

    "Umm, guys!" Jen yelled as she placed her hand on the wall trying to regain her balance, no one seeming to hear her but Leon he ran in looking at her worriedly.

  "You okay Jenny?" Jen cramped over as she took deep breaths in and out,

   "I think I'm in labour."

    Those five words suddenly changed young Leonardo Gillins' perspective on life as a brother, normally he would've just left her to be but this young 16-year-old boy was now a changed boy.

    "Holy crap. Come on, take my hand."

    Helping Jen stand, Leon guided her towards the living room where they found that the rest of the clan was nowhere to be found.


    Panic started to set in, was she going to make it to the hospital in time? Was she going to have a home birth? Was her baby going to be okay?

    "Leon you've gotta drive me." Frantically shaking his head no, he denied the offer grabbing his phone preparing to call the ambulance.

  "No way am I paying a $800 bill for the ambulance. Get. The. Keys." Jen said grabbing his phone out of his hands and looking at him dead in the eye.

    Leon grabbed the car keys and helped her into the elevator, 15 minutes later the two arrived at the hospital, Leon frantically searching for help.

    "Someone help! My sister's in labour!" Many nurses soon came rushing towards the two, getting Jen strapped into the wheelchair before wheeling her away.

    Leon quickly ran after her but stopped himself, was he prepared to help his sister? Was he ready to help birth a baby?

    Rushing into the doors, he got himself prepared as the birth of the new Gillins addition was about to happen.

     Cries soon filled the room, Leon looked at the tiny baby girl in front of him, laughing as he gave his older sister a kiss on the forehead.

    "You did it Jenny, she's beautiful."

    Jen finally opened her eyes, she was soon met with the body of her daughter, hugging her closely and crying whilst holding her little brother's hand.

    She didn't want to admit it, but she would've much rather had her brother who was calm than a frantic Barry in the room.

    "Call the others." Jen whispered as she rocked her daughter in her arms embracing the fact that she was finally here.

    Nodding Leon exited the room taking out his phone and calling every single person he knew.

    About a half hour later Barry and Rach ran through the doors with balloons and flowers, "Where is she?" They quickly asked completely disregarding the presence of Leon.

    Pointing to the door, they all rushed in, finally coming to the sight of a sleeping baby and a very exhausted Jen.

    Dropping his bags Barry ran up to her, stroking her forehead, mumbling kind words to her.

  "I'm sorry I missed it." Jen shook her head placing her hand on his cheek (like his mother once did) and saying,

    "Don't be." Nodding he kissed her gently before moving away and letting Rachel talk to her.

    Sitting up in the hospital bed, she motioned Rach over for a hug. The two embraced each other for a couple of minutes before letting go and wiping both their tears away,

    "You're a mumma Jen." Jen nodded while a huge grin spread across her face, "I can't believe it."

    Soon enough the rest of the awaited visitors arrived: Liz, Kyle, Monique, Gabe, Shay, Simon and Aidan. They all admired the tiny little girl in front of them, taking turns holding her and giving the baby much needed love.

    Finally the question everyone awaited was being asked, Simon spoke up giving back the baby before asking, "What's her name?" Everyone nodded waiting anxiously for the answer.

    "Well I've had multiple requests like Liz, Gaby, Rachel Jr," Everyone laughed at the very predictable requests from those three.

    "But I've come to the decision that the name I would pick, would be the name that my favourite person picked."

    Everyone turning to Barry smiled and gave him a thumbs up but he just laughed because he knew exactly who it was, and it most definitely wasn't him.

    "Everybody, meet Katie Valerie Carter."

    Leon looked up in shock, she had chosen his name? Out of all the people, she had chosen her. He was actually honoured, no one had ever thought about him his entire life, so for once, it felt good.

    That was probably the best day of everybody's lives, the day when Katie Valerie created peace in the most hectic universe.

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