1: Intro to My Characters X3

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~Character Descriptions [May be New ones later in the book; unsure as of now but if there are Kitten (ME X3) will put the description for them in the chapter]

Name: Miyako Saru

Looks: her hair is sea foam green with ocean blue streaks in it and her eyes are a mixture of sea foam green and ocean blue (both natural; look at cover), also has a crescent shaped birthmark on her left shoulder that looks like it is blue, has a sea green bridge piercing on the left side of her nose and an ocean blue bridge piercing on her other side

Personality: quiet, doesn't show emotions to anyone she doesn't trust, swears when mad, always found with her friends Leon Syphon and Akane Shira

Likes: cherry blossoms (only thing pink that she likes), art, music, flowers, her friends, colors sea foam green and ocean blue

Dislikes: people who are rude for no reason, prep-y people, people that make fun of her and her friends, color pink

Background: Her parents were very abusive and they tried to kill hr at age 12 when they were drunk. She escaped, accidentally killing her parents in the process, to an isolated meadow where she now lives. At age 14 she discovered her ability to control water by herself and learned an old family secret passed down in the generations (you will learn more about it in later chapters). She has lived here ever since with her best friends Leon and Akane who she found at age 16. No one knows where she lives except Akane and Leon because they live with her.

Name: Leon Syphon

Looks: dark navy blue hair, sea foam green eyes, has a navy blue eyebrow piercing

Personality: good at hiding emotions (Akane and Miyako can read him like a book but others can't), laid back, can be serious in an instant, quiet one minute and a loud mouth the next, very bad temper and won't hesitate to knock someone out if Akane or Miyako are involved, a bit lazy but still energetic and ready for almost anything

Likes: art, nature, music, weapons, his friends Akane and Miyako, color navy blue and jet black

Dislikes: people who think they are better than others, people that pick on Akane or Miyako, putting too much effort into anything

Background: His parents were rich and well know. He was given everything he ever wanted but his parents weren't there for him very often. They weren't around so much he didn't even notice their absence when they died in a car wreck when he was 8 years old leaving him in his aunts care who was abusive when she was around him. She blamed Leon for her sister's and her brother-in-law's death. He ran away at age 16 which is when he met Miyako. His parents left him a lot of money, so much that Akane, Miyako and he didn't have to work a day in their lives.

Name: Akane Shira

Looks: blood red eyes, raven hair with red streaks, blood red ear piercings

Personality: very laid back, hates working but is very energetic when it comes to anything to do with art or music but still gets good grades most of the time, she is very lazy, has a lot of energy but chooses not to use it

Likes: anything to do with art or nature or music, her friends Leon and Miyako, making things explode, colors blood red and midnight black

Dislikes: people who mess with her or Miyako, people who are rude for no reason, the color pink

Background: She had a loving mother and father. When she was 4 her father died from an unknown disease leaving her mother and her to fend for herself. She had a good life but held a lot of depression. When her mother died she started to cut herself at age 10. When Miyako and Leon found her at 16 she was about to take her life but they became her new life. She dedicated her life to her new found friends and stopped cutting but you can still see her scars when she takes off her jacket. She is not proud of them but she cherishes each cut because if she never started she would have never met Leon or Miyako.

They all have tragic backgrounds. They are all 18 years old and are all freshmen in Konoha University. Miyako, Leon, and Akane all love cats, music, art, and nature. This story takes place in the real world that means the Akatsuki is in the real world! They all dislike the color pink like me! X3

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