Another Chance

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        Your (e/c) eyes fluttered open after quite a long time of laying on the ground. You got up with a groan of pain and looked around. You were well aware that your suicide attempt had not succeeded. Half of you was trying to convince yourself that it was good that you had lived, the other half convincing you that you really couldn't do anything right, just as your mother had said. Glancing downwards, you saw that you were laid upon golden flowers. You didn't have enough strength to move on so you lay back down and shut your eyes.

        You woke up again, in better condition than you were previously. You pushed yourself up onto your feet and turned around in a full circle, taking in your surroundings. Having nothing to lose, you headed down a hallway and hesitantly through a door that was much larger than you. As you trudged, you saw some light and a green patch of grass. After approaching it, a golden flower popped out from the ground and looked similar to the ones you fell on, but it had a face and could speak.

        "Howdy, I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower. "

        This flower had tried to explain how everything works here, but you couldn't care less. You became lost in your thoughts, still shaken up by your mother's abuse and not being able to successfully commit suicide. Why... Why does the world want me to suffer so much?

        The flower realized that you were no longer listening, you weren't from the beginning. Flowey then fell into silence, but still prepared for your death. Skipping his attempt to trick you to think that the bullets were "friendliness pellets," he immediately surrounded you with the them. "It's either KILL or be KILLED. Even if you will not listen..." His evil laughter is what dragged you out of your thoughts, he startled you.

        Realizing that you were finally going to die, you shut your eyes and waited for the impact, but it never came. Opening your eyes, there was a monster in front of you that in a way, resembled a goat.

        "What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth... " She spoke and paused before saying anymore, "Ah, Do not be afraid my child. " She had noticed how you were trembling.

        "W-Who are you?" You asked in a stutter, only then did you realize were shaking.

        "I am Toriel, caretaker of the ruins. "

        Even though she didn't ask, you introduced yourself, "I'm (Y-Y/n)... "

        You talked with Toriel for a few more minutes until she led you into the ruins. You could feel genuine kindness from this monster and you felt as if... As if you could have a second chance at life.

Another Chance (Sans X Suicidal Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now