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          You've been living with Toriel for about 4 months now and you felt joy overcome you for once in a long time. Your life wasn't flawless, there were still things that made you unhappy. Occasionally, your memories of being abused would suddenly hit you like a hurricane. On those days, you'd try to search for the sharpest object in the house and cut along your already scarred arms, or anywhere on your body in general. You'd cry, and cry, and cry. Toriel would hear your sobbing, whether it was loud or quiet. She try to calm and comfort you and treat your self inflicted wounds at the same time. Today was one of those particular days.

          "My child, please don't cry. I am here for you and always will be. " Toriel's sweet and soft voice spoke to you gently. She was so afraid of saying or doing something that would trigger something in you and cause an even greater depression to arise. She had never asked why you would cry and hurt yourself, knowing very well that it was personal and really wrecked your state of mind.

          "I-I know that T-Toriel b-but I..." Your words then became inaudible because of the deep breaths you kept trying to take while crying. You were even trying to get yourself to calm down, you hated this feeling and these memories that you held bottled up inside of you all alone. You never told anyone, so no one was able to help you with the heavy burden on your shoulders.

          "Sh..." was all that Toriel could really say at the moment. She wrapped her arms around your small frame and lovingly caressed your back.

        "I-I'm sorry Toriel. " You said, trying to choke back your tears. You hugged Toriel almost immediately after she wrapped her arms around you as well. You cried loudly in her arms, letting out all of your tears. Your shoulders shook while your tears continued to roll down your cheeks.

          Your tears had finally stopped after a long while, your eyes puffy and your nose stuffed. As for your energy, it was as if it was wrung out like a wet cloth due to crying for such a long amount of time.

          "Stay here my child, I will bake you some pie. " Toriel stated and gave you a warm smile, trying to reassure you. She got up and left you in your room on your bed.

          "T-Thank you Toriel..." You whispered, even though you were well aware that she could not hear you past your door. The weight of sleep was heavy upon your eyelids. Without climbing under the covers, you laid down on your bed and shut your eyes, darkness had filled your sight for a few moments. Before you knew it, you had fallen asleep.

          You began to dream...

          "Heh, aren't you a stupid one. " a boy that was much taller than you spoke, towering over you. You were at school in the lunch area. He had pointed out your flaws and pointed out that you didn't have too much common sense, hence why he called you stupid.

          Before anything else happened, everything became a blur. Once everything had come into focus once again, you saw yourself back at your home on the surface. You were sitting on your bed with a sketchbook and pencil. It was still a work in progress, but it was a drawing of you and your mother holding hands, smiling brightly. you had always drawn a variety of subjects. You would draw what you imagined what it looked like if you and your mother were happy, you drew your wounds and scars, metaphorical sketches, depressing things that you never dared to show anyone, scenery, and much more. You had always had a passion for it and really wished you still had a sketchbook in the underground. You weren't that bad of an artist as well, it always seemed like what you drew was so real that you could just reach out and become part of the art. You heard a door open and watched as your mother barged into your room, stomping her way over to you. You seemed so frightened, but had no escape. Before you knew it, you saw yourself getting strangled by your own mother.

          "What is wrong with you huh? I thought I told you to wash those filthy dishes. Oh, what about the laundry? You didn't clean up your damn room either, look at this pigsty!" She shouted at you. Her hands were tightly gripping around your throat, giving you no chance of speaking or explaining yourself. The life was draining out of you and you could feel it. She finally let go and snatched your sketchbook away. You quickly tried to grab it back, still trying to catch your breath. She knew how important your sketchbook was to you. You knew exactly what she was going to do, she was going to destroy it.

          "N-No! M-" You let out a cough, still weakened by your mother's hands.

          "Don't you DARE say another word you brat! You didn't listen to me and it must be because you're drawing stupid things all of the time! I'm getting rid of it! " With that, she left your room and headed for the backyard.

          Oh how you wanted to wake up, you hated this. Your sketchbook was like your other life. You could get taken away to a different place, all you had to do was draw it.

          You had chased after your mother clumsily. Once you reached the backyard, you saw her toss your sketchbook into the fire pit like it was nothing but trash. To your mother, it really was. She pulled out a box of matches and lit one.

          "MOM!" You yelled, but she wouldn't listen.

        "This is what is making your mind go crazy huh?" She said those last words and threw the match into the fire pit and saw the fire grow.

          "No... No! NO!" You screamed and ran over to the fire pit. You hovered your hand over it, hoping to somehow get a chance and salvage some of the drawings.

          All of a sudden, you were pushed and your hand was shoved into the fire by your own mother. Afterwards, she just left to go back inside. You let out a scream as you pulled your hand out. Your hand was in flames, as well as your sleeve. The fire on you slowly started to crawl up the fabric. Thank goodness that there was your little pond. You sprinted over and dipped your whole entire arm into the water. You looked at your hand as you pulled it out and cried.

          You started to panic, you had to wake up, you just had to! Finally, you forced yourself awake.

Another Chance (Sans X Suicidal Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now