The Basement

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          You woke up pretty late the next day. Sleep still tugged at your eyelids, making it very difficult for you to open your eyes properly. After struggling, you got up with a yawn. You stretched your arms and got out of bed.

G O    T O   T H E    B A S E M E N T

          The thought was loud and clear in your mind, it caused you to stop and freeze in your place. You had once tried to go down to the basement, but Toriel stopped you, claiming it was dangerous. You trusted Toriel and didn't want to get into any trouble, so you haven't tried to go back down there, You were mostly happy with where you were already anyways, but why did this thought come into your mind? You held your head in your hands and tried to get the thought out of your mind.

          After a while, you let go of your head and your legs began to move on their own accord. They led you out of your room and you were about to head down the stairs until you heard Toriel's voice behind you.

          "My child? I-I have made you breakfast but you weren't awake yet. I was about to wake you , but here you are. " She said, not directly telling you to move away from the stairs.

G O   T O   T H E   B A S E M E N T

          There it was again, it was a stronger thought and urge. It was like you could see the words flashing in front of your face. N-No... I don't really want to leave, do I? You thought to yourself as you stood frozen in place. Your foot moved as if it was going to take one step down, but you turned around and ran to Toriel. You wrapped your arms around her and began to cry uncontrollably. She was shocked and confused at first, but wrapped her arm around around you and rubbed your back comfortingly.

          "You are alright my child..." Once again, she didn't question what was wrong.

          "I-I'm sorry... I'm s-so sorry. S-Sorry. " You apologized over and over again with no explanation as to why. You have been crying and apologizing a lot more than when you first arrived here. You have been getting more and more fragile rather than growing stronger.

          Toriel let go of you, but held your hand and led you to the kitchen so you could eat and maybe get your mind off of things. While you ate, you'd occasionally apologize or thank Toriel many times. Toriel had been worrying about you more often because of the change in your behavior.

          About a week past and your condition was continuing to worsen. You would cry in your sleep or burst into tears multiple times a day. One night, you had woken up at 3 A.M. for no particular reason.

G O  T O  T H E  B A S E M E N T

           This time, you weren't given much of a choice. Your legs got you out of bed and you were as silent as a mouse from your room to going down the stairs. You wanted to stop, but you knew deep inside that you wanted to see what was down here. Toriel was fast asleep and didn't know of your whereabouts. Your legs brought you down a very long corridor and to a giant door. You pressed your ear against the cold door and listened for any noise. You heard crunching of shoes in the snow as if someone or something  was walking. W-Why would someone be out here at this time? You thought, but you were out at the same time. "H-Hello?" You said quietly.

          The walking stopped and you heard a voice respond, "toriel?"

          H-How does he about Toriel?

          "no, your voice is different. who are you? what did you do to toriel?"

          You could almost feel their anger through the door, which frightened you. You knew they couldn't get you through the door, that's what you thought. You got frightened and began to tremble, "I-I'm sorry I... I-" you couldn't speak anymore and you began to run away. You could hear them telling you to come back. Is this what Toriel meant? You thought. Your heart was pounding and you hoped you didn't wake up Toriel.

          Once you could see the stairs, you slowed down. You took the chance and slowly looked behind you. No one. You looked ahead again and walked up the stairs silently. Once you reached the top, you looked around. Toriel was no where to be seen. Well, you couldn't actually see in the dark at the moment so you weren't sure, but you didn't feel anyone's presence. You mentally let out a sigh of relief and started to head to your room, but your legs didn't stop at your door. You stopped in front of Toriel's. Suddenly, you felt something wet trail down your cheeks. You were crying again. You hoped that you didn't put her in a bad mood by doing this. You knocked on Toriel's door softly.

          You were about to turn around and head back to your room, but you heard some shifting from behind the door so you froze. You turned back towards the door and heard footsteps get closer. The door opened and there stood a half awake Toriel.

          "Hello my child, why are you up so late? Or early I should say." She said, noticing the time and let out a tired chuckle. Only then she noticed the you were crying and she seemed worried, "Are you alright, my child?"

          You were hesitant and fidgeted a little bit before speaking. "I-I had a really bad nightmare and I-I got really scared. I was w-wondering if I could sleep with y-you tonight?" You asked, stuttering a few times. You hated lying to Toriel, but you didn't want her to worry so much.

          Toriel seemed a bit shocked and more awake. She bent down so she was closer to your height and hugged you, "Of course, I will always be here when you need me. Come inside now." She let go of you and let you come into her room.

          "T-Thank you for everything Toriel. " you said and went inside.
Toriel smiled at you. Both of you climbed into bed and went to sleep. You felt much more secure being near to Toriel.

Why are there 100 reads on here already? Why are you reading my shi- crappy writing? You don't know, I don't know, no one knows. But thank you v much XD

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