The Silence

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          You gasped and sat up in your bed. You were panting and sweating as you sat there, trying to collect your thoughts that had scattered like pieces of shattered glass. You ran your fingers through your (h/c) hair and tried to catch your breath. Using the back of your hand, you wiped the sweat away from your forehead. You knew exactly where that dream was headed, it was going to show you all of the times that cause you to fall deeper and deeper into depression. Tears threatened to spill out of your eyes for the second time today, but you didn't want Toriel to feel bad so you tried to hold them back. You noticed that a plate hasn't been placed by your bed like she usually did when you fell asleep. You haven't slept for that long so you got up, and headed for the kitchen. You stopped at the living room, seeing Toriel sitting on her reading chair with a book and her reading glasses.

          Her eyes lifted up from her book and made eye contact with you. Her face immediately brightened and she set the book down along with her spectacles. "My child, I hope you had a good nap. The pie still needs to cool down, so please do wait a bit." She said in her usual sweet voice.

          You nodded your head and went to the table, dragging a chair next to Toriel's while you spoke, "O-Okay... Can you read me something in the m-meantime?" You asked quietly, but loud enough for Toriel's ears to hear.

          She watched as you climbed up onto the chair and sat down. A soft smile was on her face, "Of course, how about some snail facts?" She asked as she pulled out another book and placed her glasses back on the bridge of her nose- er... snout?

          Even though you had heard a lot of facts coming from Toriel, you wanted to get your mind off of things. Also, you had always loved listening to Toriel talk about things that she enjoyed. She'd always sound so cheerful as she did.

          "Did you know that snails... Make terrible shoelaces?" She said and glanced over at you for a moment before looking back down at the pages of the book.

          You cracked a small smile at the fact. Even though you did find it a bit ridiculous, it was better than... You shook your head slightly and returned your attention back to Toriel.

          "Did you know that snails... sometimes flip their digestive systems as they mature?"

          Now this got you to raise one of your brows and look over at Toriel.

          She smiled at your expression, but continued. "Did you know that snails... Talk. Really. Slowly? Just kidding, snails don't talk. " She said, speaking slowly as she said her first sentence.

          A small giggle escaped your mouth and Toriel continued her facts about snails until she knew that the pie was warm but not hot anymore. "My child, the pie should be ready for you to eat now. " She stated.

          "Okay Mo-Toriel. " You said, almost mistakenly calling her mom. She deserved to be called that. She is much more of a motherly figure than your biological mom. You pulled the chair back to the table.

          "Here you go. " She said and handed you a plate of the pie, not realizing your little slip up. Her kindness would always overpower the darkness in your mind and you hoped it would always be that strong.

          "Thanks. " You said as you received the plate.

          "You may eat in your room, just remember to clean up after yourself. " She said. After stroking the hair on top of your head, she smiled and let you go to your room if you wanted to. With a firm nod, you headed to your room. After closing the door behind yourself, you set the plate on your bed so you could climb up onto it. You adjusted the pillow so that it acted as a cushion to your backboard. Leaning against it, you began to eat the pie that was made for you. A smile tugged at the corners of your lips and you continued to eat the warm slice.

          Time passed and you had finished the treat. All that was left on the plate were the crumbs that you weren't able to pick up. You set the fork on top of the plate and exited your room. You headed to the kitchen and noticed that it had actually gotten a bit late. You didn't see Toriel in the living room or kitchen, so you suspected that she was already in her room. You set the dishes in the sink and decided to wash them in the morning. Afterwards, you headed back to your room. On your way, it was silent. Of course it was, Toriel was probably asleep but... something didn't exactly feel right. a shiver crawled up your back and you hurried to your room at that point. You shut the door as quietly and quickly as you could, climbed under the covers of your bed, and shut your eyes tightly, trying to fall asleep.

          The sound of a door closing is what got you to wake up around 12 A.M. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, letting out a quiet yawn. You just sat still after that, listening for any voices or other noises. The door that closed sounded awfully close, perhaps it was Toriel's door. Did she just come back from somewhere? Or was she leaving to go someplace? You quickly rushed out of bed, but carefully made your way to the door. Was the person or thing closing the door Toriel at all? You opened your door as silently as you could. Stepping out into the hallway, you glanced from side to side. The sleepiness caused your sight to become blurry, it didn't help that all of the lights were off as well. You tip-toed to Toriel's room and pressed your ear up against the door. There was silence for a few seconds, but then you heard soft shifting as if Toriel was moving the covers of her bed. You stepped away and headed back to your room.

          Perhaps she had gotten up to get a glass of water?  You thought. You didn't want to overthink it so you quickly got back under your blankets of your bed and shut your eyes, drifting back into sleep.

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