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My eyes flash open. I looked around the white room I was alone in wondering where I was.

But just as I asked myself the question all the memories came rushing back.

I wanted to panic.




But I sat their.

I looked strate ahead blankly.




I knew it. It did not matter how much I wished it to not be so. But I knew it.

I looked down at myself to see my arm was bandaged, from the cuts I got from the glass I figured, and my leg hurt and I'm guessing that was the leg that was impaled with the large chunk of glass.

I look around to see I was alone in the room. In a way I liked it. But at the same time I wanted to run away from it.

I wanted to forget everything.

I hated the fact that I saw the image of my mother and father  like they were. I don't care how but I want to forget.

My head shoots to the door as I heard it click open. I watch as a young boy with dirty blond hair and light blue eyes walks in.

Unpon seeing me excitement filled his face as he ran at me. I sat still just blankly watching him as he sobed into my shoulder telling me how scared he was that I would never wake up.

"How long was I out?" I ask hateing how weak my voice sounded to my own ears.

Kyle snuggled, burring his face into me before whispering an answer.

"13 days."

I was a little surprised but knew it explained a few thangs. "Oh." I said simply.

Kyle pulled away and looked up at me hearing the change in my voice.

"Kevin... You okey?"

"I'm fine." I reply automatically. Yeah. I'm fine. I just don't feel too well. Like something is missing. Then again, I'm now missing both of my parents so that's probably it.

Kyle looked worried but shurged it off. I look around wondering what's going to happen now that our parents are dead.

It did not take long for a docter to walk in and find out I was awake. When that happens they ran a few tests on me and asked me a few questions.

"How do you feel?"


"What's the last thing you remember?"

"Being draged out of my parents car."

"Do you feel any pain?"

"My leg hurts a little."

They wrote everything down and moved on to leave me, Kyle, our next door neighbor John, and one docter alone.

They asked how I was and I told them I was fine. They told me my parents were dead and I told them I knew. They told me John was our new guardian , but we were still going to live in the some place.

I just noded to that, I did not really care. I was mostly wonding how I lived but my parents died.

Aparntly Kyle has not left here since they brought him in. And almost all the docters knew him by this point.

And aparntly I'm not aloud to leave here for another week.

I only nod silently after that. My head hurt and I could still see them both, mangled, blooded, and lifeless, so clearly in my mind.

I wanted to forget what just happened but I know it will always be in my mind.

Kyle told me he will stay here with me untill I'm able to go home again. That's hes scated be go home by himself.

I think I'm scared too. But I'm not really sure if it's fear I feel, or pain.

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