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Two days later.

Kevin seems to rarely leave his room but John assured me it's be use he went threw something traumatic. I knew my brother was different but I figured it was because of the crash.

I look over the dinner I put out for us to eat. It was chicken nuggets with the side of macaroni.

I quickly began watching cooking shows so I could cook for us. Kevin comes out to eat but he never speaks and never looks up at me. His eyes always blank as if no one was really their.

I would try to talk to him but he never reacts to my words. I would reach out to touch him but he would flinch away.

I smile faintly and go to his door. I knock on his door softly three times and wait. I could hear him move from his bed to the door. He opens it and for once his eyes meet mine.

I almost flinched away from the cold look that seemed to stick to him for the past week. He was dressed in a baggy red shirt and baggy tan shorts.

His room was trashed from yesterday when he blew up. His dresser was thrown across the way and his bed was also thrown, his lamp broken into shredded pieces on the floor.

I was downstairs working on the few dishes. It was a little hard to do it all by hand but I was doing my best.

Then a loud scream started me into driping the glass plate in my hands. A small squeak came out if me in shock as a loud crash came from upstairs.

It sounded like my plate crashed but bigger. In panic I drop the rag in my head and start to run upstairs.

As I ran upstairs I could hear stopping, loud angry yells about it not going away. I knew it was Kevin but when I got to his door I hesitated to open the door.

I knew he was angry right now but when a loud snap came from the room along with a loud thud I forgot my fear and opend the door only to looked around shocked.

Kevin stood over a tipped over, drawer less, dresser and the drawers were scattered just like his cloth. Beside his moved bed was a broken lamp. The bedside table was missing a leg was was now by Kevins closet door.

Kevin himself was breathing heavily and his cold blue eyes looked almost black as kicked the dresser, not realizing I was here.

His leg was bleeding telling me he re opend the large cut on his leg and I could feel tears begin to stain my face as I screamed for him to stop.

He froze for barly a moment before turning his cold eyes onto me. I wimper out as he ran up to. I duck down expecting him to go hit me.

When I realise I was unharmed I look up to see  Kevins blue eyes clouded but he was stairing down at me. For a few moments I saw a broken look in his watery eyes.

I saw pain and fear.

"S...S-sor..." He tryed to speak but stopped.

He blinked a few times and he suddenly looked blank again.

I stand up as he looks down at me. He shakes his head softly as I look him over before seeing his leg.

In panic I shove him ver to his bed and forse him to sit as I run off to get supplies to fix him. Granted I did not know much but I rember watching mom and dad take care of us.

I washed the large cut then bandaged it up. I have a lot to learn to take care of us. I look up to see Kevin did or said nothing. Just let me do as he wanted.

It was like he was empty but I saw him a few moments ago. I know he's in their, just lost. And need time. Just like John tells me all the time.

But it will be a while yet before my brother will lose that look in his eyes.

**flashback end**

He said nothing as we stood their. He seemed to almost glare at me. He was often cought mumbling something about forgetting. But he rarely would answer when spoken too.


His voice was fuller than when he first woke up but now it was blunt, hard, and cold. The changes in my brother were shocking but John keeps telling me that in time he would be normal again.

"D-dinner..." I whisper unable to keep looking in his eyes.

Kevin grunts and follows me downstairs go the table where our food was layed out. He sat down and staired at his food picking at it for a moment before nibbling on one of the chicken nuggets.

I feel bad to watch him but my eyes keep moving back to him each time I looked away. He seemed to not notice but kept nibbling.

I took another bite of my macaroni before desideing to speak.

"Mom and dad's funeral is tomorrow..."

I say lowly. John explained to me it's when all friend and family gather to honer them before putting them underground.

Kevin froze at my words making me feel uneasy as his cold eyes looked up at me. He seemed angry at the reminder.


Kyle shifted in his seat under my gaze. I knew what was tormarow. But the fact I was reminded pissed me off.

I just wanted to forget it happed and Kyle was just constantly reminding me of our parents.

He was doing thangs, needlessly reminding him of when he saw mom and dad die before his eyes their mangled body's flashing like a vido through his mind.

At last I spoke but my words were cold, lased with anger. "I know. So do me a favor and shut the fuck up about it!" I snap.

Kyle was shocked and shrinks into his seat. I never cursed at him before. But it oddly felt good to tell him shut up.

I could see the fear in his eyes and felt a strange tug in my chest. Ignoring it I get up, the seat falling back from the forse, as I walk away back to my room where I slamed the door shut. I fall face first into my bed and grumble angerly.

I closed my eyes desideing to sleep.


Kevin scared me. I could feel my heart beating too fast from the fear. But it's not his fault. It's mine for angering him.

He will get better in time though.

But will time really be the answer?

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