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Three and a half years ago...


We were on our way home, mom and dad picked me up about 27 minutes ago.

We left after a loud alarm rang out threwout the town, a storm alert, as dad called it.

My friends mom offers to let us stay untill the storm passes, but my younger brother was home alone and just called mom about being scared. Looking out of the car window, I could see why he was so scared.

The wind was so strong you could almost see the wind itself blowing roughly aginst the trees. The rain was heavy and thick, like the dark clouds above, it sounded like it was hailing instead of raining outside.

Although this storm was much worst, I thought back to the first time my little brother experienced a real storm.

I remembered how scared he was and how instead of going to our parents room, he went to mine and snuck into my bed. I awoke to the sounds of whimpering and was surprised to see my brother hiding under my blanket, trembling in fear.

I could not understand it but instead if yelling at him to get out of my room huged him pulling him into my lap. I patted his head and plated with his hair explaining that the storm could not hurt him as long as he was I side, how be was safe here and their was nothing to fear.

I ended up letting him stay the night in my room and I fell asleep with him curlled up into my side.

We did not always get along. We got into augments, but never had a fight.

According to mom, the reason he annoyingly followed me around was because I'm older and he looked up to me. Even if that's true it makes me mad when I have friends over and all he dose is follow us around.

However in a strange way, we got along perfectly.

We understood one another when our parents did not understand us. When our parents don't understand we find one another for comfort only to find that in a strange way, we understand everything that no one else really understood.

Thunder boomed from above snaping me from my thought's.

I look at my dad to see he was driving a bit faster then he should at almost 90mph.

I shurg it off knowing they were just worried about Kyle. Hes 12 years old but they still freak out when he's home alone.

I turn my head back to look out at the mostly deserted street, a car would be seen only every few minutes.

A stop sign was ahead, you could tell easily from the bright red and blurred whit words in it.

Father did not even stop as he turned onto the street.

Only to find a car in front of us.

Time seemed to slow down, just like it did in the movies, and dad's foot slamed into the brake, but it was too late.

The impact sent me forward and if not for my seat belt who knows what would have happened.

I could hear screaming other than my own as our car spun, glass shatterd flying everywhere and my world spined just as my vision blurred and darkness and silence took over my mind.

My eyes opened but just barely, I could not see. A pounding throbbed threw me painfully.

As my vision slowly became clearer I realized I was upside down. Glass was shattered all over the roof of the car, that was now under my head.

I was still buckled in and I could hear faint voices from outside to car.

I looked around slightly my vision still unfocused, but them my eyes here wide when they landed on my mom and dad.

Dad has cuts on him and his neck was twisted at such an angle if made me sick, and he was hanging like I was thanks to his seat belt.

Mom was sprawled bent over to roof, without being buckled and had a few large cuts down her body and blood trickled out of her open mouth.

I could not say a word as I looked at the two forms. From the corner of my eye, I saw a small light, but I could not turn my head away from my parents.

My hole body felt numb and my world seemed to frease. I could hear louder voices but it all sounded like gibberish as tears began to spill from my eyes.


This can't be...

They can't be...

I could hear a mails voice call out to me but I could not look away no matter what I did.

"M-mom?" I ask at last binding my voice, even if it was horse and cracked as if I have not had water in days. "Dad?"

I felt someone grab my arm and pull slightly. However I could not look away. I could hear a voice get louder but I could not tare my eyes away.

The person grabing at me stoped and reached over unbuckling me.

I droped and a yelp excaped me as I hit the roof of the car I scramble a bit to sit upright trying everything to keep my eyes on my parents.

I could not move one of my legs so well but I could care less. My breathing was uneven and my eyes darted from my dad to mom.

I felt another arm grab my arm pulling at me, to get me out of the car. I screamed tanking myself from their grip trying to scoot closer to my parents.

"M-mom? Dad?" My voice cracked as I reached out to my father my hand trembling and shaky.

Before my hand got too close a man grabed me again yanking harder pulling me out of the sopt I was in closer to him.

I yelled for him go let go tears staing my face as I twised my body to the point my legs were facing him and kicked out. The man let go as a acream of pain excaped my mouth.

I now saw why I did not move that leg. A large shard of glass was halfway inside my leg. The sight of the blood made me sicker then I thought I could ever be.

The voices outside quickly became more clear.

"Dam kid! Hes strong for his age that hurt!"

"We need to get him out of their to treat him!"

"I'll get him out."

Another hand reached in and I screamed pushing myself away only to be grabed by a forcefull grip. This man did not hesitate as he grabed my ankle. He yanked me out.

Pain flared threw my leg as the man riped me out of the car. Other people came to view along with voices that piled on and bare made since.

"You idiot! What if that killed him!?"

"Hes fine." The man holding me said as I screamed out black edging my vision. "Hand him to me! Were losing him!" I could feel my body being moved to another person, a woman from the sound of her voice.

"Stay with us kid!" The voice yelled as I could no longer hold my head up. The pain overtook every feeling threwout my body.

Then nothing.

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