1 (pilot)

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It had been nearly two years since the residence of the underground had been freed. There was no one left within its caverns besides the occasional wayward traveller looking for adventure in the empty halls.
Yet despite this being now a desolate place, Papyrus had found yet another thing he owned forgotten within.
"THANK YOU FOR HELPING FRISK! I appreciate your assistance."
Papyrus said embarrassed as Frisk and he walked through the underground. "No problem uncle Paps." Frisk said sweetly. They hadn't grown much besides their hair. Which they had lopped off slightly to keep heat control. Frisk was a bit taller but not near to being considered "tall".
"What are we looking for?" Frisk asked as Papyrus twiddled his fingers. He looked down and smiled.
"OH.. WELL... My famous spaghetti recipe. It should be inside the house. Not that I forget it. I just don't want it discovered and stolen."
Frisk agreed and took the lanky skeleton's hand. "Sans teach you his shortcuts?" Frisk shrugged. "Sort of." They said before walking off with Papyrus.
It took almost no time to get to the empty remains of Snowdin. Papyrus let out a quiet gasp at the silence. "This way." Frisk insisted. Papyrus stood in the middle of town for a second before walking with Frisk to the house and unlocking the door.
"SANS LEFT THE LIGHT ON!" Papyrus yelled while walking in. The light in the living room still flickering bravely.
The house was vacant besides a broken stool with some dishes on it. "ILL CHECK THE KITCHEN." Papyrus yelled over. Frisk nodded and walked upstairs. Checking Papyrus' room for the recipe.
"DID YOU FIND ANYTHING?" Papyrus yelled up the stairs. Frisk walked out of the empty room and shook their head. "No sorry." They slid down the stairs.
He took Frisk's arm.
The two walked towards the forest. It's peacefulness and the sweet scent of the tree sap bringing back memories.
"FRISK LOOK!" Papyrus yelled excitedly. Finding one of his old puzzles in the snow. "WE'RE CLOSE!" Frisk nodded while helping Papyrus pick up the still usable parts of the puzzle. "I'm going to look around really quickly uncle Pap. Just call me when you find it." Frisk said in an independent tone. Papyrus nodded and walked off. Rattling his bones excitedly.
Frisk smiled at their uncle and walked towards the golf course. The remains of guard posts and once well watered ice making them dizzy with nostalgia.
Frisk turned off the path again and came to the river. The fishing rod hanging for dear life to the bank. Frisk pulled it out of the ground and reeled it in. The phone number still faintly visible.
"Sans and I could totally use this for prank calls.." They whispered before pocketing the number.
"The phone is dead. I'm assuming the man who own the telephone got a new one."
Frisk jumped as the melodious voice crept to their ears. "Who's there?" They whispered. Frisk looked around slowly until their eyes set onto a tall figure staring at the river.
"I called once and he said that he'd love to visit. I called again and the phone was dead." The figure continued. "Listen to me blabber. Let me properly introduce myself." The figure shifted their body over awkwardly as if in pain. Frisk only realized the cane they were supporting themselves on after.
They wore a grey suit with a large chapeau, An orphan blue scarf covering their neck from the cold.
"Hank Gahara. It is a pleasure to meet you."
Frisk looked down as a hand stretched out awaiting.
"Frisk... The pleasure is all mine." Frisk replied. Placing their hand into that of the three fingered web of Hank's. His hands felt odd. Like wood. Hank knelt down gracefully, using his hand to flick back the tails of his suit. He pressed his harsh lips against the back of Frisk's hand. "I have not had company in some time." Hank said sweetly. He was a young adult. Probably as old as Sans or Papyrus and quite healthy despite his obvious disability.
"What brings you to the underground? Are your parents scientists? Or are you here alone?" He asked softly. Seeming genuinely concerned with the welfare of Frisk.
"No I'm here with my uncle." They replied. Hank nodded and sighed relieved. "As long as you are not alone. Being alone in the underground is quite dangerous." Frisk nodded. They were trying to see the face of the tall figure, yet his hat kept his face well shaded and hidden. "Why are you here?" Frisk asked. They could tell Hank was some sort of plant monster considering the large branches protruding from the back of his head. They had small leaves and pink buds growing on the ends.
"I've been here all my life." Hank said innocently. "I mean why haven't you come to the surface?" Frisk continued. Hank chuckled.
"Child I cannot leave, I'm waiting for my lady."

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