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"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to see such a rare bird preform. A special thanks to Mettaton for making this possible." Hanz gestured to the front table and Mettaton stood up, bowing to the crowd and sitting back down after a wave of applause hit the air.
"Now I present to you, Wispbot!" Hanz scurried off the stage and the curtain rose. Mettaton's jaw almost dropped as the robot appeared before him rather than the fearful Sprite he was used to. Wisp's flickering hair was still visible at the top of the robot's head, the bot snickered and cooly ran its fingers through the flames so the formed a thick head of bright orange hair.
"Ladies and gentle men! I thank you all for coming out tonight! I hope you enjoy my melodious voice!" The bot spoke clearly. Mettaton huffed. "This isn't what I was expecting." Asgore mumbled as the bot sang a heavenly air. The music lovely and soft.
Mettaton examined the suit's structure, it was skin tight on Wisp despite it being metal. There was a command panel on the bot's chest similar to that of Mettaton but less controls. It was coloured with a bright yellow and black. An orange gold heart pounding in rhythm on its stomach.
Wisp took care to watch Mettaton and waited for the climax of the song to press a command on their chest so the suit tails on the back of the bot clanged down into a dress. Mettaton sat back shocked and surprised. Wisp winked and continued the rest of the show un phased.
As the curtains closed The group stood and cheered aside from Hank and Mettaton. Hank not standing because of his aching body and Mettaton because he didn't want to say or do anything.
Hanz came back to the stage and told everyone to go home aside from the front tables as they were to meet back stage.
When the group came to the back there was already a party set up. Humans and monsters mingled happily about the show and munched on delicacies. Wisp was standing over by their makeup stand having the theatre body removed. Hanz peeled the suit off and handed the pieces to the silent monster child behind him. The child neatly piled it into a suit case and handed Hanz Wisp's other suit. Mettaton approached and began to speak with Wisp. "You know what they're saying?" Alphys asked. Degree cleared her throat and chuckled.
"Darling you should sniff my legs some time. Oh of course Mettaton if love to as long as you smell my farts they smell like baby powder." Undyne snorted and some of her drink came through her nose. "Please tell me that was fake." Hank pleaded embarrassed. Degree nodded and patted the frail monster on the back.
"Excuse me would you like a drink?" Hank looked around as the little voice pierced his ears. "Down here." Hank looked down and the large round eyes of a child were looking right back up at him.
"Oh... Hello." Hank smiled. The monster hesitated and smiled back. "Come with me sir I'll get you a drink." He said sweetly while leading Hank to the bar where Hanz was sitting. Frisk noticed and followed happily.
"Little blue thing why you bring this poor man here? You bring him drink." Hanz complained to the child. "I can't order at special drinks for people." The child mumbled. Hanz nodded.
"Correct I apologize." Hank looked down at the child as it struggled to get into the seat. "Here." He said while picking up the tiny monster and placing them into the seat.
"My name is Jasbun if you're wondering." The little monster stuck out a sticky hand. He must've raided the chocolate fondue before going to Hank.
"I am Hank. Nice to meet you. Where are you parents?" He asked while looking at Hanz. Hanz sniffled and smiled. "Me of course." Hanz replied. Jasbun rolled his eyes. "Not really, Hanz said he'd feed me if I made myself useful. Things like help dress Wisp and carry things." Hank nodded and looked over to wisp whom was jumping extatically after Mettaton had walked off to the table with Burgerpants following angrily behind. Wisp raced over to Hanz and smiled. "We got accepted. Apparently Mettaton loved the show!" Hanz chuckled and got up. "Well done! I told you the suit would work." Wisp nodded and hugged Hanz whom stood awkwardly for a moment. Wisp let go and walked off.
"Bye." Hanz waved sarcastically and stared. Hank looked down to Jasbun confused as Jasbun drank from a juice box. "Hanz has a thing for Wisp but won't say nothing unless it's to me. He says wisp is red hot like pizza supper." Hank laughed. Hanz looked over from his trance and sniffled. Frisk wiggled their eyebrows from behind Hank and Hanz turned a pale green.

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