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"Hank, why wasn't this done before I got home?" Isaac asked shortly while looking down at the unswept floor. There was a sigh and the ticking of a crutch. Hank was small, the colour of his bark not the same as his father. Hank looked up and leaned on the crutch, his leg wobbling.
"I couldn't sweep it sir, I fell over." Hank replied. His voice sickly and raspy. Isaac let out an angered "bah" and walked off. Hank watched at his father walked upstairs, calling his older sisters down.
"We're going for a treat girls, come on!" Isaac's voice seemed to had changed almost instantly as the eldest ran down the stairs. Maria was tall and athletic, her eyes a deep blue like her father's. Stella came down after, walking crisply with her eyes blinking with each step. Stella was short and thin, her head looking like similar to a stump with eyes.
Isaac walked past Hank freely and opened the door for the girls. Hank smiled and tried to follow but was stopped by his father's leg.
"Where do you think you're going?" Isaac looked down. Hank smiled up hopefully. "I thought I uh... I could go with you this time?" He asked. Isaac shook his head heavily.
"You didn't finish what I asked like your sisters." Hank looked away and nodded. His tiny flower wilting. Isaac sighed. "Maybe next time." Hank nodded and limped away. Isaac closed the door and left.
Hank watched out the living room window until his father and sisters were out of sight. He mumbled and fixed his suspender.
"Sweetheart come, we should finish your chores before your father comes back." Hank turned to see his mother Aoki. She was tall and fair, Hank shared looks with is father but not his eyes. A deep warmth filled his head as his mother took his hand. Hank wobbled with her to the kitchen and she swept the floor. Hank held out the dust pan and she swept it in. Hank threw out the dust.
Aoki sat down in her chair and rocked it slowly. Hank came and sat with her. She pet his head and hummed softly. "Why doesn't dad like me like the girls?" Aoki looked down and sighed, she could see the tears welling in his eyes. "he doesn't love you any less than them-"
Hank wheezed angrily and grasped his mother's collar. "They call him dad I have to call him sir. They do nothing and I have to clean up the mess. Why doesn't he love me? What did I do you him?" Aoki sighed again and kissed Hank on the forehead.
"He loves you very much he just... Doesn't know what to say." Hank sobbed into his mother's dress. She hummed softly until he tired himself out and she put him to bed. It was late when the girls and Isaac came back so there was no point in anyone staying up.
Hank woke up again to his parents yelling. Aoki obviously losing the fight and eventually going silent as Isaac continued to bark. There was a moment of silence and Aoki said more, Isaac struck her and she yelled. Hank listened quietly biting his pillow trying not to cry.
Isaac began to apologize and helped Aoki up before the turned out the lights and went to bed. Hank didn't understand too well what was happening at the time, he was only ten but he knew it wasn't right.

By the time Hank had turned to his teen years he had written several songs directed at his father and sisters. His sisters were kind but often saw him as a means to an end. Isaac didn't speak to Hank after he confronted him about that night.
The family had sat around the table and began to eat. Stella looked around the table and cleared her throat. Usually there was conversation but Hank and Isaac stared dead eyed at each other.
"Hank I heard you yelling last night." Stella said quietly, Maria looked up and nodded. "Me too, what's the problem peebaby?" Hank sneered and stabbed a piece of meat. "I heard you yelling for mom." Stella said in her strange squeaky voice. He eyes not leaving her plate. Maria laughed and Isaac looked up. "What's the problem?" He asked hesitantly. Hank growled. "Since when do you care.." He growled. Isaac looked back angrily. "I'm your father of course I care." Hank growled and shot out of his seat. Aoki trying to calm him.
"If you cared you would've given me leeway when I was younger, if you cared I wouldn't have to worry about mom or whether or not you're going to talk to me today, if you cared you would've  thought about me before decision to have another kid and risk it! Leaving me with your shitty curse, your shitty looks and your shitty history." Isaac got out of his seat and began to chew Hank out. Telling him how miserable of a son he was and that he regretted even thinking about having a family. Hank hissed as his older sisters looked up shocked.
The two barked for some time until Aoki got up from her silence in the middle of the table. She took two plates and threw them at the two.
"THAT IS ENOUGH." She said with a quiver. Hank stopped and immediately burst into tears. Aoki sneered at Isaac whom stomped off. The girls walking upstairs quietly.
Aoki turned to Hank and sighed, Putting the dishes away before going to sit back down.
"I know you're trying to help but it's only making things worse. Stop pushing." Hank looked up from the bump on his head and the broken dish in his lap. "But I want to protect you." Aoki nodded. "That's why I think it's best you go." Hank stopped crying and blinked.
"You mean leave home?" Aoki nodded. "It would be best. That way you can find your own way and Isaac won't be so stressed." Hank stared blank faced at his mother. He could see her tears welling heavily. Hank nodded. "I'll leave tomorrow." Aoki nodded and stood Hank up. Hugging her lanky son.

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