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"Okay so I'm pretty sure this goes on this way." Degree mumbled whole trying on a necklace, Frisk had ended up inviting her for the unveiling along with Undyne, Alphys, monster kid, Asgore and Hank. Frisk asked Zombie to go but she didn't even go to the door to decline. She simply waved her hand away and flopped back onto her side on the couch.
"I like your dress clothing." Monster kid smiled while looking Hank over, his parents had dropped him off a few minutes before.
"Why thank you. I like yours as well." Hank replied cooly.
"Those lessons with Flowey seemed to have payed off." Asgore said to Frisk as they fixed his tie. "Yeah I think so too. We should get going if we're meeting Undyne and Alphys there." Asgore agreed and ushered everyone out the door. Hank sat in the front with Asgore, Degree sat in the back with monster kid and Frisk.
"So I'm pretty sure I have a Tem hiding in my house." Monster kid smiled while looking up at Degree. Her usual pungent smell replaced with that of roses.
"You should catch it. If it's wearing a little hat it can give you cooler stuff than the other ones." Degree chuckled to the armless monster. Frisk nodded in agreement.
"What does a Tem look like?" Hank asked softly. Frisk looked over surprised. "You've never seen a Tem?" They asked. Hank shrugged. "I didn't travel much. The only place I ever visited was snowdin." Frisk sighed. "Well it's... It's like a... Hm. I'm not sure how to describe them. They thought for a while and the car was silent. As they approached the large theatre, Degree sniffled and pulled out a cigar as the car stopped. "It's like a cat that drank spider cider wearing a wig with extra ears." Hank paused as he opened the car door. "That sounds sort of...Weird." He concluded as Degree helped him out.
"Lots of granger." Degree mumbled while looking at the spot lights overhead. The group stood taking in the view until they were greeted by familiar voices, Undyne and Alphys waved them over excitedly.
"Hey there punk!" Undyne smiled while giving Frisk a noogie. Frisk smiled and hugged Undyne tightly. "It was nice you to to invite us frisk." Alphys said while hugging the human. The group chatted for a while until Undyne took notice to Hank standing politely in silence.
"Hey who's this?" Undyne asked jovially. Frisk squeezed through the tiny crowd and grabbed Hank. "This is Hank, he's my guest." Frisk smiled while introducing Hank. Hank held out his hand to Undyne and shook hers firmly. "Pleasure to meet you." He said confidently. Frisk was genuinely surprised with Hank's flip of courage. "Oh I remember you." Alphys said sweetly. "You came in when I was still an intern for the royal scientist at the time." Hank shivered and a few buds on his head opened. "Yes..." He said nervously. Degree patted him on the back as they were approached.
"Excuse me but what are you doing standing here?" The unique looking figure said. He wore a pink suit and looked like a jellybean if a green jellybean was melting in a suit.
Undyne walked over and smiled. "We're looking to get in. Special guests if you know what I mean." She said while flicking the ticket Frisk had handed to her at him.
The well dressed monster looked it over and huffed. "Hardly, these are regular tickets." He had a heavy German accent.
"Who are you to tell us whether our tickets are good or not?" Degree cued in. The one eyed monster scoffed.
"I am Hanz, personal stylist for Wisp." He pulled out a card and flashed it in their face. "Now get out, you go wait in line like others." He growled while trying to push them away from the back doors of the theatre. The old door opened and a familiar leg poked out. "Darling no, that's the special guests." Hanz looked back and sighed. He let them pass.
"Well go ahead. Wisp will be seeing you in a minute I apologize for being so short." He sniffled. "I'm assuming the robot will keep company with you." He concluded before shoving the group in and closing the door behind them.

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