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-once upon a dream: lana del rey
-river flows in you: yiruma
-awake: secondhand serenade
-your call: seceondhand serenade
-sad song: we the kings
-the power of love: gabrielle ablin
-banner: lights
-teddy bear: melanie martinez
-Brooklyn baby: lana del rey
-colors: halsey)

LUKE (his pov):

I walk into the living room and I see her laying there with the remote half in her hand and her arm hanging off the couch. She looks so exhausted. I look around and see the NyQuil and tissue box on the coffee. She told me she wasn't feeling good this morning but went to work anyway. My poor baby. I walk to our bedroom and move the blankets. When I walk back into the living room the remote is now on the floor. Must have fallen out of her hands. I turn off the tv and go to pick her up. When I pick her up her arms almost instantly snake around my neck and she pushes her face into my chest. "Hey baby are you feeling any better?" I ask her. In response I get a half asleep no. When we get into the room I set her on the bed and see go and get some pajamas on which is actually just sleeping pants. I scoot her over and lay beside her. I pick her body up and lay it on top of my chest so she is more comfortable. When her forehead hits my bare chest I feel how warm she is. I pull her in more and she starts to relax in my arms. I kiss her forehead and tell her how much I love her.

ASHTON (his pov):

"Babe come and love me please." I hear her voice from the living room. I feel the smile form on my face. "Hold on babe I am cooking for you!" I yell back at her. I hear her make a groaning sound from the couch and I know she will through a fit if I don't go over there. I turn off the oven and head to the living room. Half of her body is hanging off the couch and I just laugh. "How do you expect both of us to lay on that couch when you are like that?" She turns around and her face lights up quick and she makes room for me. She is laying against the back of the couch patting the open spot in front of her. "Move (y/n)" I tell her. "No I want to be the big spoon for once." She whines. I just shake my head and lay in front of her and feel her arm wrap around my waste. "Ashton I can't see the tv and your hair is in my face." She says after about 10 minutes of being in this position. I laugh and turn around. "This is my life when you lay in front." She rolls her eyes and pushes me off the couch. She gets off and lets me lay down first. She shakes her head in disappointment and throws herself on me. She kisses me on my nose and turns around. I grab her waste and pull her closer as she flips through the channels.

CALUM (his pov):

I come in and I see a box of tampax and food everywhere but not her. When u get closer I see shes asleep on the floor. I smile and go to pick her up. "Baby?" I hear her voice ask. "Yes babe."  I say and feel her hand rest on my chest. "Love me." she says and I let out a light laugh. "You know I do." We walk to the couch and I set her down. She gets back up and pushes me down to the couch the throws herself on as well. "Calum its cuddle time." she looks up at me and says. "Okay (y/n) its cuddle time." I say as I pull her body closer to mine. She nudges her head into my chest while i cradle her in my arms. I have never felt more at home in my life then when she is in my arms. "Calum." i hear her voice interrupting my thoughts. "Yes babe?" She looks at me for a moment then I feel her gentle hands touch my face then her sweet lips connect with mine. "I love you." She says. I kiss her on the forehead and say. "I love you too (y/n)"

MICHAEL (his pov):

I look at her prance around in the back the back yard. I told her that I would turn on the sprinklers for her because it was hot. She just jumps around and keeps trying to give me wet hugs. Her laugh is so beautiful and her smile is my most favorite thing in the world. She looks at me and I know that she is done and she wants to come in. I go to turn off the sprinklers and hand her her towel. She wraps it around her body and I pick her up. "Baby I want to lay down with you." She tells me. "Okay fine but you have to shower and change into some dry clothes." I tell her not wanting to get dirty. She nods her head and jumps out of my arms and runs to the restroom. I go to get everything ready for us. I pull the blankets off of the bed leaving only the sheet because she warms herself up with my body. I put on pajamas knowing that this is what we will be doing for the rest of the afternoon. I get out some of her favorite movies and right as I finish she comes in the room brushing her hair. She takes one look and puts the brush on the dresser and plays the movie then jumps in the bed. I let the curtain down so the light won't come in. I lay down with her and she pulls me so close and curls into a ball against my chest. We watch movies all afternoon and she falls asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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