Going to the movies

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(I went to the movies last night so I thought it would be a good idea so here you go)

Ashton (Kids movie):

As I wake up I look at my phone and see that I have a text from Ashton. I open it up and it says that we are going to the movies today. I roll my eyes and get up to get ready. I head to the bathroom and brush out my hair and put on a beanie. I head to my closet next and pick a pair of jeans a sweater and some converse. It's already one in the afternoon when I have finished getting ready so I call him. "Hey babe, " he answers, "Are you ready?" He asks. I tell him yes then he tells me that he is pulling into my driveway. I walk outside and I immediately smile. I love seeing him. I jump into his truck and kiss him on the cheek. "So what movie are we going to see?" I ask him. "Let's just see what's there and pick one." We get to the movie theater and go up to the front to see what movies are out. We choose some cartoon movie that I didn't even know was already out. When we go into the theater there is only a few parents with there kids sitting in there. We choose to sit in the back of everyone. The movie starts and he movies the armrest so that I can be near him. I sit closer to him and lean my head on his chest. He wraps one arm around me and then we turn to face the screen. He leans down and kisses me once in a while but we mainly watch the movie. It's a cute movie that makes us laugh occasionally. When the movie is over we stay for the credits and talk about how cute the movie is.

Calum (Christmas Marathon):

I hear my phone ring and pick it up. "Hey y/n" I hear Calum's voice say. "Hey babe what's up?" I ask him. "Do you want to go to the movies tonight with me?" I hear a little excitement in his voice. "Yeah okay. Are you going to pick me up?" I ask. "Of course. I will pick you up at six." I check the time and it's already 5. This boy never gives me time to get ready. I rush up to my room and through my hair up in a messy bun and just as I am about to put on some jeans and a nice shirt I get a text. It says not to wear anything nice to wear something comfortable. I grab a pair of sweats and one of Calum's t-shirts that I have yet to give back to him. I though a flannel over it because I know it's a bit chilly outside. When I am done I have about ten minutes to spare so I sit on the couch and check tumblr. I hear the door bell ring and so I grab my purse and head to the door. I open the door and find my Calum at the door looking all types of cuddly. He is wearing sweats and the pull over I got him plus a beanie. I push to my tip toes and kiss him. He pulls a beanie over my head. "You left this in my car." He says. I take his hand and we head to the car. By the route we are taking I can tell that we are not heading to the movies that we are heading to his house. "I thought we were going to the movies." I call him out. "Yeah well I left my wallet at home." We pull into his drive way and he tells me to get off with him. I unbuckle myself and get off we head upstairs and into his room. When I get in the first thing I see is the movie menu for The Grinch on his TV. Then I look at his dresser and see a big bowl of popcorn and a soda with some candy. Next to it I see a stack of all of my favorite Christmas movies. I look at him and see a big smile on his face then feel a smile take over my face. I run and hug him. We snuggle on his bed with a bunch of blankets piled onto of us and watch all the movies.

Luke (Scary movie):

I asked my friend if she wanted to go see the new movie Krampus with me, but I also wanted Luke to go because I like him and I know he likes me too. I asked Luke last minute and he said yes. When I got to the movie theater. Luke and (y/friends/n) was already there. They were standing outside of the theater and already had their ticket. I gave my money to Luke so he could go and buy my ticket. When he came back with my ticket we headed to the concession stand and he got me some skittles and all of us a popcorn to share and a large soda. We went into the theater room and took out seats. I sat in the middle of my friend and Luke. When the movie started I put my hand on the arm rest by Luke's in hopes he might hold my hand. His hand got closer and closer to mine through the movie. Every now and again I could feel him look at me and I could see him smile out of the corner of my eye. Every time he would try and hold my hand there would be a jump scare and i would flinch right before he could grab it. Towards the end of the movie I knew he was going to grab my hand because it was right against mine. Right at the end he finally grabbed it and just as he finally grasped hold of it there was a jump scare and I jumped and he jumped and lost grip of my hand, and the movie was over. When we got up we all had popcorn in our lap and had to shake it off and we left.

Michael (Comedy):

Michael knows I'm not into all that sappy shit so when he calls and tells me we are going to see some romantic movie, I take it upon myself to go and buy tickets to a movie I heard is supposed to be funny. When he comes to pick me up I hand him the tickets I already bought. "(Y/n) we were supposed to go and see a romantic movie." He half wines. "Michael you know I'm not into those types of movies." He rolls his eyes and sits in silence for a little bit. "Hey if we go see this movie then I will go see that other one with you next week." I break the silence. He loosens up and agrees. When we get to the theater we find our seats and I leave him to go and get popcorn and a drink. When I come back the previews have started. I take a seat next to Michael. The previews are for other comedy movies so we laugh at those and talk about how we are going to go and watch it when it comes out. When the movies starts the lights dim and I think about leaning into him but I don't because I'm hoping it's a real funny movie so we laugh enough that we have to adjust in our seat. Through out the whole movie we are laughing really loudly and I can see on his face that he is having a good time. When the movie is over I tell him how much of a genius I am for having us go to a comedy movie instead. He rolls his eyes and says that we are still going to go to a romantic movie next week whether I like it or not.

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