Your break up

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(I want to start including the songs I listen to while writing these so you can get the tone of each writing so here it is:
-young and beautiful great gatspy version - lana del rey
-welcome home- radical face
-beach baby- bon iver
-mess is mine- vance joy
-broadripple is burning - margot and the nuclear so and so's  
-L-O-V-E -nat king cold
-dark paradise - lana del rey )

MICHAEL (your pov):

I hear my phone ding and see a message from Michael. *can you call me please it's important* I hope he's okay. I check the time and it's five in the morning. I dial his number praying everything is okay. "(y/n)?" he says still half a sleep. "Michael? Is everything okay?" I ask. "Yes, I really need to talk to you. I would rather talk to you in person but you are thousands of miles away and-" I interrupt him, "Michael what are you saying?" I feel a lump in the back of my throat. I just moved to a new city to start college. Michael was supposed to move with me but he got cold feet at the last moment and he stayed. We have been having a hard time since we separated, but we said we would try the long distance relationship. "(y/n), look we tried like you asked but I just don't think I can do it. You don't understand how hurt I am without you here." He says all at once. "Are you kidding me? I don't understand? Michael you are the one that decided not to come with me. I told you this is what I wanted to do and that I had your full support. You were supposed to be here with me, but you aren't and you are the one who is hurt?" I blurt out and hear nothing on the other end of the phone. I feel the warm tears roll down my face. "I love you (y/n)" I hear his voice say followed by the line ending. I release a breathe I didn't realize I was holding in. I start crying out loud this time. I feel my whole heart sink into my stomach and everything starts to hurt. I have never felt so nauseous in my life. I run to the bathroom and lean over the toilet and throw up the food I haven't even eaten yet. I stand up and look into the mirror to find a girl who is so lost and alone. My face red and my eyes puffy. Then I see the tears start rolling down my face again.

CALUM (your pov): 

I walk by our kitchen window and see everything I wish I hadn't. His smile is so real and the way he is looking at her is the way he used to look at me. I look at my phone and then at them. The last thing he texted me was that he loved me and I don't even know what if he meant that. I walk up to the door and unlock it. I make my way to what used to be our bedroom. On my way I stare him in the eyes and his smile fades away and his face is now covered with complete horror. She turns around and freezes. I run into the room and lock the door. I pull out the bag from our closet and start stuffing all of my clothes in it. I start hearing pounding on the door. "(y/n) please open the door!" I hear Calum yell. I hurry up and put as much as I can into the single luggage. When I'm done I open the door and he is standing right there. I try and push past him but he grabs my hand. "(y/n) please let me explain myself." He asks of me. "Explain what Calum," I start to yell but fade into almost a whisper, "I saw the way you looked at her Calum. That's the way you used to look at me. You love her Calum I could see it in your eyes." He stays quiet. "Tell me you love her Calum!" I raise my voice. "I do okay I don! But (y/n) I love you too." He finally says. "Well you can continue to love her." I run out the door with the luggage in my hand. I start my car and drive away as fast as I can. I park the car at some park about ten minutes away from what used to be my home. I don't understand what I did wrong. I beat my hands in the wheel and rest my forehead in it. I never thought I would cry more than I am now.

ASHTON (your pov): 

"Well I just can't anymore Ashton!" I yell at him. "We aren't the same person you were when I first met you. You've changed and it's not a good change." I yell at him as he sits there. "(y/n) I'm sorry please don't leave me." He begs and I see the tears start rolling down his face. "No Ashton I can't stay here with you, not until you get yourself back together again." I tell him. He looks down at his feet without saying a word. "I can't do this without you (y/n)." He tries and grab my hand but I pull away before he can. "Well you are going to have to figure it out." I look away and wipe the tears that streamed down my face with my hand. "You can't expect me to stay with you after you have been acting like this. It's not like we haven't bee over this Ash, you drink and party to much and I can't handle it. You don't work you're always hung over. I will not let myself live like this." I say to him without giving him even a glance. I pick up the back I had packed since yesterday. I had been planning to leave two weeks ago but never brought myself to it until now. When he came home last night so drunk he couldn't for actual words I knew it was time for me to leave. "I love you Ashton, but I don't love you like this." I said and closed the door after. He didn't chase after me or look out the window so I got in my car and drove out of the drive way and left.

LUKE (your pov): 

I look at his bag by the door and then look at him. "I will be out tomorrow morning." He says. I just nod my head finishing up cooking dinner. I leave his plate on the counter and take mine to what used to be mine. After and hour I hear his familiar knock on the door. I get up and open the door and he pushes past me. "(y/n) I want us to talk about this." He sits on the bed. "Luke there is nothing to talk about and I want you to sleep on the couch tonight." I look away from him. "(y/n) please," before he can finish I say, "Luke I don't know what you want to talk about? I love you I really do, but if there isn't a click for you there is nothing I can do about it. I just wish you hadn't dragged this on so long." I start to feel tears roll down my face and I wipe them away. "(y/n) I love you just not like I used to and I want to make sure you know that I care about you and that the only reason we are parting is because I don't feel what I used to feel for you." He says his words more clear than ever. "Luke I understand and I'm okay," not even able to convince myself of that lie.  He nods and walks out and closes the door behind him. I walk to the mirror by my closet and cry my eyes out silently and think of what I could have possibly done that caused him to fall out of love with me. I hear the door open and I see his reflection in the mirror and I quickly wipe my eyes. "(y/n) please don't cry." He says with a very hurt tone in his voice. "Just please get out." I tell him. His head hung low as he walked out of my room.

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