Your teen pregnance

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-he gets a job as soon as you tell him
-he always tries to help you even when he is stressed out
-he always takes you to and from school
-he can't wait for the baby
-when people notice your weight he tells them to back off
-he starts buying things for the baby early
-you tell both of your parents together
-you both make all of the decisions together
-he promises he will never leave


-he cries when you tell him
-he looks for jobs and anyway to make money to help out
-he wants you to be there when he tells his parents
-he can't believe this is happening
-he is so nervous about everything 
-you always have to keep a level head because he is scared
-you make the big amount of the decisions
-you try not to worry him
-he wants to take you to the doctor anytime you don't feel good
-he wants to keep it a secret from his friends


-he is really excited when you tell him
-he gets mad at everyone when they judge you an him
-he tries to keep a level head
-he gets even more protective than he already was
-he wants to host the baby shower
-his mom wants everything to do with the baby
-you are both at his parents house constantly
-he won't leave your side
-people make fun of him when they find out
-he gets into a lot of fights because of it


-he tells you he needs to leave when you tell him
-he hates himself for it
-he tells you he doesn't want any part of it
-he apologizes and tell you he wants to be apart of it
-he is very moody through out the whole pregnancy
-you often cry because of arguments
-he then apologizes
-yall are both under a lot of stress
-you don't tell your parents until they notice
-they kick you out and you have to move in with Calum's family

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