Meeting him when he's famous

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{Hello im the writer. Just here to say i hope you enjoy this and its not too lame. There will be no smut in this book but i will be making a smut book so yeah. Bye}

Luke(your pov):
I'm so ready to go in to this meet and greet! I have been waiting in line for god knows how long! I see the girl infront of me give him a hug and snap a pic and then i know its my turn. I close my eyes and take a deep breathe and walk up there. I see those big blue eyes and almost melt. I feel his tight embrace and i take in every detail of him as we hug. "Hi what's your name?" I hear his thick accent say. "(Y/n), thank you so much." I say back. He smiles and chuckles then asks what for. "Everything." I say to him and he smiles and says, "You mean the world to us and always will (y/n)" We look toward the camera and he's still holding me. He hasn't let go since I first hugged him. The flash for the camera goes off and I know our moment is coming to and end. I hug him once more and then stare into his blue eyes and turn to leave. I feel his grip on my arm as I take a step. I am pulled back into his arms as he says "Please stay strong (y/n)" Then I feel his hands rub my wrists that hold my insecurities. "I will Luke." I say into his chest. He kisses my cheek and then lets me go on my way.

Calum (your pov):
I have been waiting in this fucking line for an hour and I'm still at the fucking back. I check my phone for the time which makes me more irritated. I hear the bell as a sign of someone coming in the coffee shop. Without turning around I just say, "Dude you will be here a while." I don't get a response which bugs me. After about ten minutes the line has moved up two spaces. "What the hell man hurry up!" I hear a thick aussie accent from behind me. I turn around and drop my phone. He bends down and picks it up and hands it to me. "You dropped this." He says. "You're fucking Calum Hood." He smiles and runs his hands through his hair. "Yeah I am and you are?" He says politely. "Oh I'm (y/n)" I say trying to contain myself. "Nice to meet you. How long have you been here?" I feel annoyance take over me and I roll my eyes. "A little over an hour." His eyes go wide. "There's a starbucks across the street wanna join?" He asks me. I nod and we walk out into the cool are. We make small chit chat and he opens the door for me. "I will have a hibiscus refresher." I say. He looks at me and asks what that is so I tell him and he orders one as well. "That will be 7.54." The lady says. I pull out my wallet before hearing. "I got it." And see Calum hand his money out. We take a seat and chit chat some more and then he wants to take a selfie. He says he has to go and gives me a hug and says bye. He turns back "wait whats your intagram username?" "Oh its (y/u/n)". Then he runs. A few minutes later i get a notification. I see a picture of me and calum smiling holding starbucks drinks. *meeting new fans and hanging out is the best* is the caption.

Ashton(your pov):
All the sweaty bodys keep bumping into me. I just want to see the rest of the concert. I decide to get out of this area but there is no where but up. I hit the guy next to me and point up. He nods and picks me. The crowd pushes me to the front until im out. I go to the back to go get a drink. "Crazy out there huh?" I hear a guy say. "Yes had to crowd surf my way out." He laughs. "I'm Ashton" he holds his hand out. It's so dark I turn the flash from my phone on and see the curly headed boy and flip my shit. "I'm (y/n), I love your band. What are you doing here?" I yell into his ear. "Just trying to jam to some aerosmith. You?" "Same." We get some drinks and make our way to the back of the crowd and head bang and rock out. Next thing we know someone bumps into me and I spill my drink. "Hey let me get you another" he says and makes his way back to the bar. He comes back with a drink. "Hey do you mind if we take a picture?" I yell. "No of course not." We find a random person and ask them to take the picture. He rests his arm on my shoulder and I lean in and we both stick our tounge out and the flash goes off. We hang out a little more until the concert ends. When i get home i post the picture. *went to see one of the fave bands and met my fave band member from a different band.* i caption it and tag him. Seconds later you see that he liked it and comments "had a good time ❤" then i see my notification go off to find that he reposted the picture and tagges me.

Michael(your pov):
I sit in the freezing cold waiting for game stop to open. When it does we all rush inside. I find my way to all of the things that i plan on getting. I look at the my list and collect everything. There's just one more item on my list. I see it on the other shelf and run because its the last one. I feel a cold hand touch mine as i grab the game. I see pale hands. I yank and they yank back. "Give me the game you prick i grabbed it first." I yell and yank "No bitch i did." Then i look up and see him. I let go. "You can have it michael." He stops and looks at me then down at my clifford hoody. I feel the gamr being pushed back at me. "Don't worry about it. I will find it somewhere else." I take it and then i feel it ger snatched out of my hand. Then i see Michael bolt. "Give me that shit." I hear a loud accent. I look and see Michael yanking it away from the guy that took my game. I get in line knowing im not getting the game. I check my stuff out and leave the store. As i walking out i hear the rock stars loud voice again. "Wait!" I turn to see Michael running. "Here i told you you could have it." I smile and take it. "I'm (y/n)." He smiles trying to catch his breathe. I pull my phone out and press record. "I just met Michael Clifford at a black Friday sale and he saved a video game for me how romantic." I say and pull him int and kiss his cheek then end the video and post it. He pulls out his phone to like it before he gets more notifications and i see him follow me. I hug him and "thanks for saving my video games life" "no problem" he hugs me back. He walks me to my car and tells me to be careful before i drive away.

{Sorry if this sucks. This is my first one}

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