A Letter From My Father

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((lukas' POV))

What will happen to me? To my Father? The end of this situation can't be good. I look around, the silence of the forest scares me. Where is he? Is he dead? Did the thing take him? I could feel my chest falling in on itself as i try to stay calm and take deep breaths. With shaky hands, I pull out my wooden sword.

I could hear a little tussle of leaves behind be and I quickly turn to try to face them or it, but I can't. My body only lets me turn so far, I'm not an owl, and I'm stuck facing forward on this horse. Whoever or whatever it is has me at a completely venerable position. I don't want to die.

A snarling Comes from behind me, a wolf, I can't scream because that would only make it attack me. I just close my eyes tight and hope it finishes me quick, or takes the horse instead. I hear a huge wush sound of the wind and everything suddenly get colder. A larger sound then the snarling came from in front of me, and higher from me, a grunt. The wolf behind me pouts and another sound of leaves tells me the wolf is gone, but the thing in front of me is still there. I keep my eyes covered and closed tightly, bending down and covering myself with my cloak in hope that whatever there is fooled easily.

When there was no sign of anything being there, I slowly peek out of my hiding place to see if anything is still there...


I come out of my hiding place and look around again for any creatures or my dad. I take a deep breath to yell out for him, but I know thats an awful idea. So i just wait.

and wait.

and wait...



I woke up when I heard horses come my way, wait, I was asleep? I know there was a wolf, but where did it go? why did it leave? I-i can't remember.

"THIS WAY!!!" I heard a man call out, Thats Cedrik! My fathers best friend, I see him around a lot too. I didn't realize how dark it was until I was thankful for the light of torches coming my way.

"where are they!" I could hear another hiss from a man I know from the village.

"Over Here!" I manage to call out. Theres still no sign of my father being around here anytime soon. The sound of horses come closer and closer until the light from the torches were direct.

"LUKAS!" I could hear my father yell, I saw him once he hoped off one of the horses in the search group and run toward me and lifted me off my horse. I didn't do anything,

"y-you left me?" I mumbled, an unintentional sadness in my tone.

"No, no, son, please don't think like that..." he said, rubbing my cheek with his hand,"...At least let me tell my side of the story first?" He asked. I nod, not wanting to speak, i would cry if i talk and i have to stay strong around others because they might need that strength. Maybe my father needs that strength, to be able to tell me his side of the story. He takes a deep breath and starts,

"When i went you to look for the beast, it attacked me." He slowly lifted his tunic, showing a bloody bandage on the side of his ribcage. "Cedrik found me, I was unconscious. I wanted to get to you as fast as I could, but wounds restrict and I was the only one who knew where you were."

I looked him in the eyes as he spoke, finally tears slip out of my eyes and I hug him tightly. He laughs a bit,

"Just don't tell your mother you hear? She's do worse then the wolf did if she realized you were out here alone!" He said in a joking manner, I join him laughing a bit.

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