New Home

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((Lukas' POV))

It took him a while to read the letter from my father completely, and even after that he stayed silent, rereading it it over and over again almost as if he was studying it.

"Mr. Mikkel? Is everything ok?" I ask, he pulls me inside quickly and closes the door just as fast. I stay quiet as he starts scavenging his messy house. Looking through drawers full of junk, clearing off desks and tables covered with scrolls, even looking under the old warn carpet; there was no clear surface in this place.

"What are you looking for?" I said sheepishly as I stand still, fallowing the man with my eyes as he looks everywhere in this cluttered room. He doesn't answer, he just keeps looking and looking.
Finally, it looks like he found what he was looking for, the look of satisfaction on his face.  He pulls out an old book from a hidden place in a plain looking chest and puts it on an empty desk. I walk slowly to it just as it seemed like he wanted of me, looking down at it laying on the table. The cover was old cracked leather, a long leather wrap around it, a medium sized book, nothing special.

"Go on. Open it," Mr.Mikkel ordered of me, watching my every move. I pick the book up with hesitation and unwrap it, then open the book slowly.

There's nothing, even on the pages. I stare at the blank pages in confusion.

"Uhhhmmm... Mr. Mikkel? There's nothing there..." I said, looking up at him. He smiles as if he's tricked me, I don't like it.

"You can't see it. Yet" he said in a laugh like he tried it to be a riddle, but he failed.

"Can you see it?" I ask, starting to doubt this man. Was my father actually friends with him? Why would he be friends with him?

"Of course I can! You see, I put a spell on this book so if it falls into the wrong hands, they won't know what it is." He explained with his grin as he turned back to the book. I'm still really confused, and I think he knows it. "Magic is prohibited around here, anyone who practices it is put to death. That's why my spells are hidden, so if someone finds it, they can't accuse me of using magic."

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask, I never expected this to be the first thing I do when I got here. And, if magic is prohibited to the point of being put to death for one accusation, why would he be so willing to tell me all of this?

"Because, boy, you're one of the children of magic. Someone who is made up of magical energy, someone who doesn't get worn out or drained from using magic." He mused. I wonder how he knows all of this, I mean, how can he know me! We just met!

"I-I don't think you got that right... I can't do magic..." I said softly, and in worry. I couldn't do magic, I've never done magic before and didn't see myself as any different than anybody else. Will I have to worry about accusations now?

"How do you know that you can't? Have you ever tried?" I stay quiet, not knowing how to answer that question since, if I say no, I'll look stupid, but if I say yes I'll be a lier...

"Once you got everything written in this book mastered, you'll be more powerful then the king himself. Of course, not as powerful as the king with all his army, so don't try anything" he said with a smile, I giggle a bit, definitely amused at the fact of being stronger then the king. "And you're first assignment! I need you to go to the castle library and pick up some scrolls for me. The pickup should be ready when you get there." He said as he wrote on a piece of paper, signing it with his name and handing it to me. I take it carefully and look up at him,

"Where is the library?" I ask

"If you go down the main road, turn left at the bakery, then right at the leather workshop." He said, looking away and starting to organize something.

"O-ok" I said, turning away, looking back to him before walking out of the door. Its getting dark so I will have to go fast. I walk quickly in the direction he told me to go, weaving in and out of peoples way as to not to draw attention to myself, not looking at anyone. I don't want to become friends with anyone, since I'm considered evil since I have magic, I don't think I can risk that, can I?

I enter the huge library that was at the corner of the next road just beyond the leather workshop. I walk to the front desk, which was vary tall and was a dark piece of carved wood, handing the man who was behind it the letter. The man in the navy reads it, and then looks at me with question before he reaches under and pulls out a huge pile of scrolls and papers and puts them on the counter.

"Thank you," I say quietly, not wanting to disturb the silence of this place. I struggle to pick up all the scrolls, but, I can. I walk out of the library to a dim twilight. Looking to the side, I try to recall the path I walked down to get here, or more rather, reverse it for directions to go back to Mr Mikkel's. I start walking down the now empty streets, unable to see in front of me.

Midway there, the scrolls start slipping out of my hand, and I run into something, or someone, and I fall backwards. The scrolls going everywhere.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized as fast as I could, trying to pick up the papers around me to prevent them from getting soggy, messed up from the wet ground. The person I ran into knelt down just as fast and started picking them up too. I look up to see a boy about my age, spiky blondish hair, and bright blue eyes. It looks as if he's been crying, and I don't know why or how, but I can just tell that he feels sad and betrayed.

"Are you ok?" I asked quietly, hoping he wasn't hurt.

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